Monday, October 4, 2010

Yoga Nidra: Deep Relaxation Technique

The very first and basic steps of Yoganidra are designed for deep relaxation of the body so that the psyche can work at deeper levels of consciousness. This is necessary for the healing of the body and mind and coming into alignment with spirit.

Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation. 14 minutes.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sound Matters

Are you aware of the power of sound vibrations in shifting consciousness? It is phenomenal. Scientists are just beginning to get a clue. But our spiritual forefathers have known of it all along. Hence the idea of the 'word' of God to start the process of creation. Hence the hymns and the chants.

Through the power of the voice we have traditionally reached for higher consciousness. We sing, we chant, we invoke, invite, praise and thank. We have done it in groups and in our privacy. And we have learned that few things touch our hearts as much as song. The energy that is present in the non-physical realm must come together and congeal in order to take us to higher ground.

This was the central piece in the Sound Healing workshop with Jonathan Goldman last weekend. The gist of sound matters is that we can embed an intention in a particular sound or phrase. And as we chant that sound over and over again, we bring the vibration of that reality closer and closer together. And soon we have drawn it into the realm of three dimensional reality.

We increase the power multifold when we practice this in groups.

But that is not all. Every word we speak carries that power. The spoken word multiplies the thought vibration many times over and sends it forth to manifest in the universe. And when it is embedded with heartfelt intention and belief, it must come into being. Such is the law of the universe.

And we have everything we need -- we have our voice, each one of us. It is a divine gift. It is one of the most powerful tools to aid us in uplifting our consciousness. It is also our responsibility. What words are we uttering? Are they uplifting, embedded with love and joyous expectancy? Or are we perpetuating the old patterns by giving constant voice to that which we wish to change?

The throat center is the gateway of the divine will. Isn't it time to pay attention to what passes through it?

Your Spiritual Intelligence Coach.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, September 20, 2010

Reviving Body Memory

Last weekend Master Chunyi Lin, acclaimed Qi-kung healer and teacher, conducted a 'Born a Healer' workshop in Iowa. Of the myriads of precious nuggets of information he shared, a few stand out. One such was the idea of reviving the body's memory. It was a special 'aha' moment for me.

This is how it goes. Let's say you have a bad knee. Conventional wisdom says to focus on that knee, whether you are treating it with western medicine, surgery or with massage, Reiki, or essential oils. Master Lin said something surprising. He said tap on the bad knee, acknowledge the problem and tell your knee that help is on its way. Then remove your attention and focus on the good knee. Gently and lovingly masssage it. Heighten the good feeling even more all the while apprecating it. Do this for a couple of minutes. Then go back and tap the bad knee and tell it that it can go ahead and 'completely' feel like the other knee. And then sit back and watch the magic.

No joke folks. It works. I experienced just that. According to Master Lin there is an innate intelligence in each organ and the ability to go back to normalcy. Often the memory of normalcy recedes because of the pain and trauma. We are just supporting it in remembering and restoring the blue print. You may have to do it a few times.

What happens if you have a chest pain, or a headache? You can then focus on another healthy organ nearby, like on the stomach for a chest pain, or on the face for a headache.

Makes perfect sense, does it not? And as Master Lin says, 'Believe it and it works. Don't beleive it, it still works, but it works better when you do believe'. Give it a go folks, what have you to lose?
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Body Mind Integration Meditation

The optimum state of functioning is when the body and the mind are perfectly aligned. From this space we can go about our everyday living with a sense of calm productivity. This short meditation paves the way for a practice to get there. Let us minimize stress.(9 min.)

Your Spiritual Intelligence Coach
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, September 10, 2010

Jyoti's Dilemma on Receiving Gifts

Jyoti's Dilemma on Receiving Gifts
Jyoti wrote: 'Sometimes I get gifts for which I have no use although the gifts in themselves may be beautiful and interesting. But now I want very few selective things around me. But I don't have the courage to tell people directly about this. Of course, I drop hints. But that doesn't seem to be working. So what I do is give them away to someone else when an occasion comes like birthdays etc. Is this wrong ? Am I passing the goodwill and love of people unknowingly? I definitely do not want to accumulate things that I will never use. What is your advice?'

Focus on the love, the concern, the connection the gift represents, and not on the thing per se. Receive with gratitude. Cherish the thought behind the gift and don't look merely for its utility value. Then feel free to keep it or give it away with love to someone who may have better use for it.

You may have to work through some of the old patterns of the mind. These may be your feelings of guilt, feeling of being disloyal to the person who gave it to you, or fear of 'what if they found out it was recycled' -- which is a shame, feeling the need to reciprocate and so on. Watch as these sentiments come up. These are where your real resistance comes from. Let them go one by one.

You do not owe it to anyone to keep what they give you, or having to pay back. Choose to see it coming from unconditional love and refuse to surround it with conditionalities. It is yours to do what you please. Give yourself freedom.

The other thing is don't hint. Either say it lovingly and trust they understand, or don't say anything at all if you think they may be hurt.

Remember, giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. Know that if we cannot receive with grace and unconditionality, we probably are unable to give unconditionally too. A friend of mine suggests that we stop being 'stingy' receivers.

For guidance on everyday spiritual living join Malabika's Mentorship Program.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, August 13, 2010

Spiritual Intelligence: Path to Personal Power

Oct. 16 & 17, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10– 3. $ 250
Early bird registration by Sept 30 - $ 220
Venue: 2708 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA

“Your inner intelligence is the ultimate & supreme genius, it mirrors the wisdom of the cosmos”, Deepak Chopra.

The question arises -- how does one access the wisdom of this ‘inner intelligence’ and then apply it to everyday living?

This workshop is about just that -- your ‘inner intelligence’, your ‘spirit’, your ‘vital life force energy’ and the power that lies dormant within your ‘soul’. Welcome.

The mind has been a fine steward of evolution and will continue to be so. Yet, if you find yourself stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed, caught in recurring negative emotional patterns, or unable to progress in a desired direction, there seems little the mind is able to do. It is time then to garner your inner spiritual intelligence, arising from the soul.

To do so, it is important to learn about the energy field of consciousness --thoughts, beliefs and emotions, and be able to distinguish the vibrations of the soul. We live and operate within this field.

Ongoing research in quantum mechanics, energy psychology and spiritual healing is giving us deeper understanding of the laws that govern this energy field. More importantly, pioneers who are working with energy are amazed by the power arising out of spiritual intelligence, once we learn to align with it.

There are four distinct parts to this workshop.

• Understanding the energy dynamics from a spiritual perspective (the laws of polarity, energy exchange and accumulation and so forth).

• Recognizing the blocks that appear, sometimes recurring, and the source of our inner resistance (always rooted in a belief that has run its course).

• Applying simple techniques to shift our consciousness to more harmonious vibrations. (Energy tools that address body, mind and soul).

• Experiencing the collective group energy and support in releasing process of deeply embedded blocks. (This part is most valuable).

In other words, if you wish to make some deep changes, let’s get to the root, and let your ‘inner intelligence’ do the work.

To join this workshop visit

(November 20-21. Program in New Delhi, India. Click here to see the details)
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, August 9, 2010

Breanne's Questions

" How do spiritually advanced people respond to horrible things happening in the world, such as the oil spill in the Gulf, extremism, global warming? I will tell you that the way that I respond is to try and avoid hearing about such things because I always think doomsday thoughts and get sad and anxious about bad things happening."

Thank you, Breanne, for articulating a question that is in so many people's minds. Your response is perfect. When there are things going on around us that bring us down it is best to remove your attention from them. That does not amount to denying what is going on, but it is acknowledging that these problems are outside my ability to resolve and dwelling on them merely dissipates my energy. So why do that? Good strategy to protect yourself. Don't let any guilt creep in. The next step is in answer to your next question.

"I hear about how 2012 is supposedly when the human race will become more spiritually advanced and will enter a new era of peace and harmony, stuff like that. I don't see how that's possible when so many things happening in the world right now indicate that we are nowhere near becoming more spiritually advanced."

Actually there is a lot of good going on in the world, quietly, unobtrusively and in a distributed fashion all over the globe. Someone asked the Dalai Lama recently if we as a human race are doomed. His answer was quite to the contrary. He said there is more understanding, more goodwill, more capability now in the world than ever before. Unfortunately good news doesn't sell and so it does not make the news. Bad news is sensational. The Dalai Lama urged the journalists and the reporters to focus on the good news instead.

They may or may not do so. But we can in our immediate circles. If we learn to do that then that expands. It is a law. Wherever we place our attention, energy and focus, we help grow.

2012 will be what it will be, we need not be overly concerned. We just have each to decide for ourselves where we will place our own attention, energy and focus -- on the bad that is out of our circle of influence or the little drops of good that is very much a part of our everyday life and feel grateful about that.

It is really our choice. As Mike Dooley says "Thoughts become things, choose the good ones".

Creating the ability to see Wholeness