Showing posts with label collective consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collective consciousness. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Man Who Wouldn't Trust His Gifts

The Man Who Wouldn't Trust His Gifts
Eddie sat in front of me and proceeded to relate to me the energetic states of my Chakras. In two sentences, he also told me, patterns I have run in many past lives that I was already aware of. This young man's intuitive abilities amazed me.

This was a complete reversal of roles. Eddie had come to see me to help him clear what his past life programs that he figured were holding him back in this this lifetime. We had already asked for a complete SRT clearing of all the programs. His High Self assured everything was clear. It was a mystery why these life blocks continued.

The answer lay in his conscious mind -- in the 'beliefs' of the world he bought into. Eddie found it difficult to accept that his own innate gifts. He continued to believe that the power of clearing his path lay outside of him.

Ever since he was six, Eddie had the hardest time studying. Remembering information to keep up in class was very difficult for him. In spite of that he had earned himself an engineering degree. That was not easy, but it did get him a remunerative job that allowed him to travel. He was well versed in many energy healing methods and traveled often to training events and yoga retreats.

Through all of these, Eddie felt that he is not on the right track. There was something else he was cut out to do. And he was ever in search of this elusive 'something else'. Everything new he tried left him wanting. At the time of our meeting Eddie was registered in another course and was feeling the old resistance come up in a big way. He believed he needed a degree or a certification to eventually pursue the path of alternate healing, he now believed was his real path.

A series of questions to his High Self revealed that indeed 'alternate healing' was Eddie's life path. He had already come gifted with that ability. Here was a man who was highly spiritually connected, very intuitive and had a heart that was loving, open and compassionate towards others.

At the same time, he was also the man trying to live by the rules of society all his life. Over the years, he punished, berated and belittled himself on account of his inability to follow the beaten track. No matter how much he tried, it brought him back to the same spot --- 'this is not what I seek'. The struggle and the search continued as did the self castigation.

Eddie's path is a simple one, but not easy in this world. Let go of the need to struggle. No need to paddle upstream as Abraham' says. Lift the oars and let life and love itself guide you. Let your inner voice speak. The soul's plan cannot be repressed, or suppressed for long. The less you resist the sooner you will get there. The more your mind wants to take charge and force it in a particular direction, the longer the delay.

For folks like Eddie, who have come with a strong spiritual agenda, the ways of the world only thwarts them. It is learning the art of allowing that will eventually liberate them. Their way is not the way of the ego, but the way of Spirit.

Malabika Shaw
Your Spiritual Intelligence Coach
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Aligning with Our Higher Purpose

Aligning with Our Higher Purpose:
Aligning with Our Higher Purpose:
A Six Week Intensive On.line Program
to Clear, Energize and Restore the Soul’s Path

Ever wondered “Why am I doing here? What is my purpose? Is this it?” I used to, often wishing, wanting and waiting for something new to come along.
And it did, but only when I understood how the laws of energy work and learned to get out of my own way.

This program brings you the essence of what I have learned and share with my clients. Core patterns and blocks created by our fears surface as we mature spiritually. We benefit immensely from seeing things from new perspectives, expanding our consciousness and learning tools to keep our energy and light.

I am excited to offer this workshop via online video conferencing over six weeks. It will be limited to a small group to allow in-depth work, clearing with Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) and other potent healing tools. Each session will have a presentation on the concept followed by a clearing actual practice. A great emphasis is placed on reprogramming old mental models.

The details: 

 Dates: Six Tuesdays September 1 to October 6, 2015
 Time: 9 PM East Coast US. Check your time at this
Location: From your home via online interactive video class.

 Areas of Focus: Each week will broadly cover the following areas-
*Reconnection with the Master Hologram,
*Liberation from the Collective Mind,
*Building Bridges in the Field of Duality,
*Crystalline restructuring on the Body,
*Claiming Fifth Dimensional Creative Power
*Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind.  

Duration: Approximately one hour on active weekly call time. Weekly assignments will allow plenty of opportunities to practice between the calls. You may share specific personal concerns in complete privacy via email. These will be addressed confidentially.

Preparatory energy clearing work for the participants begins on August 25, a week before the first call. You will receive the advantage of this if you sign up before then. Phone number and webinar details will be sent upon registration.
An opportunity will also be offered to test the internet software prior to the class.

Please join via Paypal for payments to 

Or, mail your check to Malabika Shaw to reach on or before August 25. 
(Rupee payment option is available for participants  in India. Email for details).

Your spot is saved n a first come first served basis. Please feel free to forward this to anyone who may benefit from it.
Looking forward to working with you.

Love and God bless,

Malabika Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Conscious Creation: How to Hold Energetic Space

Before anything actually happens on a physical dimension in our 3D reality, it must necessarily exist in our energetic vibrational field. This is now becoming amply apparent to us. So, when we take charge of our circumstances and wish to alter some aspect, we must learn to consciously create and hold the energy within which such a reality may manifest. This requires disengagement from the collective mind and deep seated subconscious programs. It is a rigorous process. But once we get the hang of it, it really works and works fast.

Check out the forthcoming workshop at

Much fun is to be had.

Your energy healing guide,

Malabika Shaw 
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Saturday, December 21, 2013

2014: Four Quick Steps to Feeling Groovy

The old patterns are breaking down fast as the planet goes through a major shift in vibration. The sun is getting ready to switch poles. Consciousness is expanding, rising and calling to us to come back into alignment with the greater whole.

New patterns are emerging. New patterns are emerging powerfully and can no longer be ignored.

Here is a short program to clue you right into what is going on. Merging downloads from Spirit via meditation with ideas and practices presented by cutting edge scientists, advocates and thought leaders of our times such as Nassim Haramein, Foster Gamble and Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dolores Cannon, Deepak Chopra, Lynn McTaggart.... and several channels, this program presents the emerging patterns. More importantly, it teaches four critical steps necessary to ensure we remain in the flow. We will practice the technique.

This is a great time to be alive. Take this opportunity to amp life up a notch or two as we embark into the New Year. ("If you wish", as my 30 some months old grand daughter says). Freedom of choice. Freedom to create.

Date and Time: Thursday, January 2, 2014, 9.00 PM EST
Duration: About one hour.
Location: Wherever you may be via phone or internet.
Cost: $20.00.

Email to register.

Love to see you.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Focus on the Body: An Online Healing program

Here are the details with timings for my latest offering in Energy Healing:

Focusing on the Body: An Online Intensive Healing Program 

(in time to be ready for Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season)
Our physical bodies are anchors of our spiritual selves. The body is the soul's messenger and a master communicator. It has superior intelligence and works best when in perfect alignment with our energy bodies and in harmony with our spiritual nature. 
With the earth's shifting vibrations, many people find themselves dealing with inexplicable body issues. The most common refrain I hear is 'the doctors find nothing wrong'. Some common symptoms are 'feeling utterly drained', 'unexplained recurring aches and pains', 'heaviness in the lower abdomen, hips and legs', 'loss of appetite', 'sleeplessness' and so on. How is your body feeling?
No doubt there are foods, diets, exercises, detox, supplements and even medications to support the body. But remember that the body is the last place where disharmony in our energy system manifest. The body needs support to attune to the new energies. This program is designed to address deeper and over arching issues that include
Body Mind relationship
Body memories and impingement from the past
Subconscious programs
World energies
Body consciousness

With energy healing tools release all that keeps your body out of sync. And then continue the practice on your own.
This Healing Program will be conducted through 7 online intensive sessions and background energy work.
How to Join: By phone or via your computer from wherever you are. The fee includes a generous gift of a personalized energy clearing with Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT). This will be done prior to the classes. (You may choose to remain anonymous during the calls if you wish.)
Starts on: You will be sent a registration form upon joining. The energy clearing with Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) begins as soon as you register. Don't wait, start feeling the difference. 
Seven online healing sessions will be held on November 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Each session will be between 45 and 60 minutes. If you miss one, you will still be included in the healing process and have a recording.
Timings: 9.30 PM US EST, 8.30 PM CST, 7.30 PM MST, 6.30 PM PST. 
For India it will be the following day 8 AM. Others please check your timing 
Course fee: $175 ( $150 if paid by Nov 1)
Call Malabika at 617.795.7060 or email for more information and your registration form.
To take advantage of the early bird price Register here.
Look forward to our energy work together.  
Life is Good, it can only get better.

Your guide to conscious living.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ah The World is Changing Fast

Ah, The World is Changing Fast
Remember the famous song Cat Stevens sang in the 70s. In the song the words that follow are 'Ah this world will never last, I don't want to lose it...... here in my time'. Well forty years later, we are still here.
Now this is the question. Amid all that which is going on in the world .... changing weather patterns, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides, tornadoes, bush fires, sink holes on the one hand, and GMOs, chemtrails, flouridated water, dead bees, vaccinations, bomb blasts, wikileaks, Bradley Manning on the other.... where exactly are you holding your vibration?
Are you being cynical? Are you echoing Cat Steven's lament, feeling like there are folks out there who are powerful and irresponsible and greedy, and we are victims of this treachery with little power to change it? 
Or, are you filled with hope and delight at the opportunity for change? Are you tuned into the laws of energetic reality uncovering new possibilities each day? Do you know that thoughts and emotions have the power to create? That positive anticipation and expectations are manifold more powerful than fears and anxieties and condemnations. That whatever we hold in our vibrations sooner or later shows up in our reality? That we can dissolve the mass consciousness of fear and calamity by steadfastly holding on to our vision of a beautiful world in the future and by releasing our judgement completely? That meditation has tremendous power to magnify our thoughts and desires? That action that follows meditation has far greater effectiveness? 

Not a single thought, nor a wisp of a feeling goes unspent in this vast universe. It will create. It has to create. That is the law. So where are you spending your life force energy? In which direction are you pressing your shoulders to the wheel? 
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Abundance Prayer from World Puja

I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance.
The abundance of God is my infinite source.
The river of life flows through me into lavish expression.
God comes to me through unexpected avenues
and works in a myriad of ways to bless me.
I now open my heart and my mind to receive my good.

Nothing is too good to have happen.
Nothing is too wonderful to have happen.
With God as my source, nothing amazes me.

I give freely to life and life gives back to me with
fabulous increase.
I am indeed grateful.

And so it is.

(Thank you Maureen Moss and World Puja)
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Incalculable Price of Depression

Everyone gets depressed at some time or another. Something may come along, trigger a thought or a belief held in the unconscious mind and boom! -- We plunge into the depths of despair and depression. As we grow up we learn to recognize patterns, and for the most part create our own strategy to heave ourselves out of that dark space. Sometimes it lasts an hour, sometimes a day and sometimes perhaps longer.

During those times we know that we suffer. We can see that those who love us suffer around us. They may want to help but often do not know how. But what we may never have thought about and do not know is the immeasurable toll it takes on the collective unconscious.

The collective mind of human kind is on an evolutionary trajectory -- to that place of lightness, joy, love and peace -- high vibrational stuff. That is our natural pathway even at the individual level, is it not? Are we not all seeking that place of interminable happiness, we each in our own way? Depression is a drag on that. Every minute we allow ourselves to remain depressed, we are not only going in the reverse direction ourselves, we are also contributing our mite to the collective very depressed unconscious. Another layer is added on. That which was already dense and heavy gets a little heavier.

Allow? Allow did you say?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, being depressed is a matter of choice. No one told us this before. We all thought we had to react to negative stuff around us that we were unable to control, change or influence by being depressed, by surrendering our power, by compromising our goal to be happy and by accepting our victimhood.

That was before we learned that everything is energy including our thoughts and beliefs; and that repetitive thoughts become our deeply embedded unconscious beliefs. That was before we understood that depression is a symptom of our disconnection from our own true inner self -- our spirit. That was before we learned that there are no victims, only volunteers, no matter how unconscious that may be.

The onset of depression is a sure sign that we are done being victims, we are ready to connect with our own inner spirit and take our power back. Sure it will take a little time. Sure it will take a little help. Like a child learning to walk, we may lean on a friend from time to time. We may even pop a few pills now and again to take the edge off. But like every child we must eventually learn to stand, walk and run on our own two feet. Because if we do not, we remain spiritually invalid.

And think of it this way. Each time one of us is willing to exercise this choice, we add another shoulder to the wheel. And this time in the right direction, towards our collective joy. Isn't it cool that my little thoughts, choices and actions have such far reaching implications? They do. Everyone's do. Believe it.

Malabika offers a Mentoring Program, that supports individuals in stepping out of depression and into their own inner power. It starts with awareness of the realm of spirit and energy . It is about Spiritual Intelligence. To read more, visit this website.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness