Showing posts with label Meditations for Busy People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditations for Busy People. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sacred Heart Space Meditation.

This is one of my long time favorites from Drunvalo Melchizedek. It is short. It is sweet. And it is extremely powerful once you allow yourself to really get into that sacred heart space. Enjoy.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Self Acceptance: Meditation for Busy People

(Click here to download meditation)

We are our own worst critics. We all have parts within that we find hard to accept and even harder to change. These parts seem to have a mind of their own. We end up spending a great deal of vital Life Force energy in harboring these negative self images and robbing ourselves of fun.

Here is a simple first step to acceptance. Acceptance alone will open the door for change.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tonglen Meditation

"I choose peace instead of this" is one of my favorite lines from A Course in Miracles. I always find myself taking a deep breath whenever I utter those words. And no other meditation, I have found, is as potent as Tonglen meditation to take me to that space of peace. Whenever something comes up within me, or around me, something I see and don't like, that makes me angry, sad or makes me feel helpless, this use of the mind, the intention and the breath has a powerful way of neutralizing that.

Beloved teacher Pema Chodron is the master who introduced Tonglen to me. Here she is in this short video introducing Tonglen. Do it for as long or as short as you wish and watch yourself transform.

Pema Chodron Tonglen Meditation

She teaches us to use the God-given power of mind, breath and body to do this. I am grateful.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Planting the Seeds of Change

Each of us is living with something in our lives that we would rather change. Isn't it? For some it is a short term thing -- like a nervousness around a meeting or an exam. And some want a longer term thing -- like an improved relationship, or a new job, or relief from a chronic body pain.

Whatever it may be, one of the biggest impediment to change is our inability to imagine what it would be like after the change. We remain far too focused on what we 'don't' want. But we need that imagination accompanied by the feelings to bring about that change.

This meditation helps plant the seed for that which we do want and applies certain principles from yoga and the Law of Attraction to bring it forward.

This Meditation for Busy People is the offering for February 2011. Enjoy.

Seeds of Change Meditaton. 10 min
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, October 4, 2010

Yoga Nidra: Deep Relaxation Technique

The very first and basic steps of Yoganidra are designed for deep relaxation of the body so that the psyche can work at deeper levels of consciousness. This is necessary for the healing of the body and mind and coming into alignment with spirit.

Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation. 14 minutes.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Body Mind Integration Meditation

The optimum state of functioning is when the body and the mind are perfectly aligned. From this space we can go about our everyday living with a sense of calm productivity. This short meditation paves the way for a practice to get there. Let us minimize stress.(9 min.)

Your Spiritual Intelligence Coach
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stepping out of the Web

When we feel we are stuck in a situation and have no power to change it, remember that there is a reason why we feel that way. Even though one part of our psyche is ready to move on, change things and do something different, another part is still not quite ready. This part feels insecure with change and uncertainty, diffident and fearful. That is why we choose to stay. A known evil, as they say, may be better than an unknown one. Can you hear the voice of fear there?

The day the pain of staying in that situation becomes greater than the fear of moving on, we move. We will muster enough will power, confidence, get-up-and-go, what have you to make that change. It all comes to the surface.

When we wish to step out of a web proactively, some steps become necessary. The first is the acknowledgement that the situation is my own creation, and there is an underlying pay off that keeps me here. Once I am able to acknowledge that, I can also come to a place of gratitude. Our last month's meditation (see below) was about acknowledgement.

The next step is to determine and commit oneself to making the change. We don't have to know how or when. We just have to be clear in our minds and deep in our hearts the time has come to change. It is the strength of this desire that will release the power to make the change happen.

The second part of the meditation takes you through these steps. Click here to download.

Stepping out of the Web: Meditation Part 2 (12 min)


Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Seven Minute De-Stressor

For too long we have depended on our minds and have allowed ourselves to veer far away from the heart center. The financial meltdown is just one of the ways in which the energies now seek to come back in balance.
It is causing great stress and distress because the old formulas are no longer working. And we have yet to learn the new.

The stabilizing force is within. When we allow the heart energy to flow again, it has a way of restoring the confidence and security. Be patient.

The seven Minute De Stressor
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Sun Meditation

An arctic front they say is moving through the central plains. It is bitterly cold, snowy, stormy, windy, bleary and blustery. The kind of day that keeps you indoors longing for a friendly glimpe of the sun.

So when friend sun hides all we need to do is invoke the memory in our hearts and viola, it's bright again. Try it. Here is a short meditation.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stabillity in Unstable Times

Stabilty in Unstable Times is a meditation to remind you of the inner space where true stabilty comes from. This is a short visualization meditaion that is designed to help you convert unhealthy connections to healthy ones. (13. min.)

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Breath Awareness

Meditation: Breath Awareness

What a wonderful thing the breath is. Yoga practitioners will tell you that it is possible to affect every part of the body and the mind through use of subtle breathing techniques. Thousands use these techniques for better health.

This meditation is a short reminder of what we may have lost track of in our busy everyday lives. Enjoy.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Harmonizing Relationships

Meditation: Harmonizing Relationsips

This meditation is based on the principle that relationships reflect back to us our own vibrations. If there is a negative charge, it is because there is a negative thought, judgement or fear I hold deep in my psyche that I am not aware of. The relationship helps to bring it to the surface. A gift.

This is a simple first step to harmonizing the relationship from within. It is not meant to simplify the complexity of relationships, but simply to demonstrate how changing your own vibrations begins to affect the relationship. As you practice this over and over and apply it to more and more complex issues, you will be surprised as to how much the quality of your relationships will begin to change. (15 min.) Click on the icon to download. Enjoy.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Self Acceptance

We are our own worst critics. We all have parts within that we find hard to accept and even harder to change. These parts seem to have a mind of their own. We end up spending a great deal of vital Life Force energy in harboring these negative self images and robbing ourselves of fun.

Here is a simple first step to acceptance. Acceptance alone will open the door for change.

Self Acceptance meditation

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Meditations for Busy People: Desire

Desire is the seed that births all creation -- the single most powerful motivator. Without desire the world is dull and stagnant. There is no movement of energy, no growth, no fun.

In some circles the idea of desire has a bad name. Desire leads to suffering. Desire is not spiritual. Desire is bad. It is not desire per se, but our strong attachment to the outcome of the desire is what muddies the water.

So let us keep that desire pure and innocent and focus on the joy of realizing our creations.

Enjoy. 21 min.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Heart Meditation

Meditations for Busy People

This month's meditation focuses on the Heart Center.

Our heart is the seat of our soul. The soul is about 'love' and does not understand anything other than love. So when we worry or get stressed out, the heart contracts and edges out our soul energy -- restricts its flow and thereby initiates a downward spiral.

Here is a simple way to change that from the inside out, using breath and our minds -- the two most potent tools we have.

(15 min.) Enjoy.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Meditation -- Pure Grounding.

Connecting with our body, mind and spirit is one of the most powerful ways of remaining centered grounded and in balanced harmony. This is a short meditation to bring us back to that space. Just using intention and visualization. Pretty cool. Try it.

1. Grounding Meditation about 12 mins.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness