Showing posts with label heart energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heart energy. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Heart Breath, Heart Focus, Heart Breathing Meditation with Malabika Shaw


Heart Breath, Heart Focus, Heart Breathing Meditation with Malabika Shaw
This simple three step Heart Coherence meditation connects us with our greater body-mind-energy field and allows to focus on the here and now, on gratitude and appreciation and on the next step.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness - Be Live Love

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Man Who Wouldn't Trust His Gifts

The Man Who Wouldn't Trust His Gifts
Eddie sat in front of me and proceeded to relate to me the energetic states of my Chakras. In two sentences, he also told me, patterns I have run in many past lives that I was already aware of. This young man's intuitive abilities amazed me.

This was a complete reversal of roles. Eddie had come to see me to help him clear what his past life programs that he figured were holding him back in this this lifetime. We had already asked for a complete SRT clearing of all the programs. His High Self assured everything was clear. It was a mystery why these life blocks continued.

The answer lay in his conscious mind -- in the 'beliefs' of the world he bought into. Eddie found it difficult to accept that his own innate gifts. He continued to believe that the power of clearing his path lay outside of him.

Ever since he was six, Eddie had the hardest time studying. Remembering information to keep up in class was very difficult for him. In spite of that he had earned himself an engineering degree. That was not easy, but it did get him a remunerative job that allowed him to travel. He was well versed in many energy healing methods and traveled often to training events and yoga retreats.

Through all of these, Eddie felt that he is not on the right track. There was something else he was cut out to do. And he was ever in search of this elusive 'something else'. Everything new he tried left him wanting. At the time of our meeting Eddie was registered in another course and was feeling the old resistance come up in a big way. He believed he needed a degree or a certification to eventually pursue the path of alternate healing, he now believed was his real path.

A series of questions to his High Self revealed that indeed 'alternate healing' was Eddie's life path. He had already come gifted with that ability. Here was a man who was highly spiritually connected, very intuitive and had a heart that was loving, open and compassionate towards others.

At the same time, he was also the man trying to live by the rules of society all his life. Over the years, he punished, berated and belittled himself on account of his inability to follow the beaten track. No matter how much he tried, it brought him back to the same spot --- 'this is not what I seek'. The struggle and the search continued as did the self castigation.

Eddie's path is a simple one, but not easy in this world. Let go of the need to struggle. No need to paddle upstream as Abraham' says. Lift the oars and let life and love itself guide you. Let your inner voice speak. The soul's plan cannot be repressed, or suppressed for long. The less you resist the sooner you will get there. The more your mind wants to take charge and force it in a particular direction, the longer the delay.

For folks like Eddie, who have come with a strong spiritual agenda, the ways of the world only thwarts them. It is learning the art of allowing that will eventually liberate them. Their way is not the way of the ego, but the way of Spirit.

Malabika Shaw
Your Spiritual Intelligence Coach
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Aligning with Our Higher Purpose

Aligning with Our Higher Purpose:
Aligning with Our Higher Purpose:
A Six Week Intensive On.line Program
to Clear, Energize and Restore the Soul’s Path

Ever wondered “Why am I doing here? What is my purpose? Is this it?” I used to, often wishing, wanting and waiting for something new to come along.
And it did, but only when I understood how the laws of energy work and learned to get out of my own way.

This program brings you the essence of what I have learned and share with my clients. Core patterns and blocks created by our fears surface as we mature spiritually. We benefit immensely from seeing things from new perspectives, expanding our consciousness and learning tools to keep our energy and light.

I am excited to offer this workshop via online video conferencing over six weeks. It will be limited to a small group to allow in-depth work, clearing with Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) and other potent healing tools. Each session will have a presentation on the concept followed by a clearing actual practice. A great emphasis is placed on reprogramming old mental models.

The details: 

 Dates: Six Tuesdays September 1 to October 6, 2015
 Time: 9 PM East Coast US. Check your time at this
Location: From your home via online interactive video class.

 Areas of Focus: Each week will broadly cover the following areas-
*Reconnection with the Master Hologram,
*Liberation from the Collective Mind,
*Building Bridges in the Field of Duality,
*Crystalline restructuring on the Body,
*Claiming Fifth Dimensional Creative Power
*Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind.  

Duration: Approximately one hour on active weekly call time. Weekly assignments will allow plenty of opportunities to practice between the calls. You may share specific personal concerns in complete privacy via email. These will be addressed confidentially.

Preparatory energy clearing work for the participants begins on August 25, a week before the first call. You will receive the advantage of this if you sign up before then. Phone number and webinar details will be sent upon registration.
An opportunity will also be offered to test the internet software prior to the class.

Please join via Paypal for payments to 

Or, mail your check to Malabika Shaw to reach on or before August 25. 
(Rupee payment option is available for participants  in India. Email for details).

Your spot is saved n a first come first served basis. Please feel free to forward this to anyone who may benefit from it.
Looking forward to working with you.

Love and God bless,

Malabika Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spiritual Intelligence in Search of Global Unity

Spiritual intelligence is the heart’s way of inviting us to live through greater love. It is higher consciousness constantly carving out our path of evolution. Yet, the heart’s language makes sense only to the aware and to those familiar with their own true spirit.
The human heart is truly amazing. A thing of beauty to poets, artists and lovers, the heart has remained a mere pumping device to scientists until recently. Now research is revealing the extraordinary role the heart plays in human existence, closely corresponding to the view ancient spiritual teachers held. Some significant findings:
The heart has a consciousness of its own, separate from the brain.* It is the seat of the soul – spirit’s gateway into us.
The heart interprets shifts in the energetic environment and signals the brain, which informs the rest of the body.** The heart is in charge.
The heart can operate beyond time and space coordinates. Laboratory research*** shows the heart reacting to an event before it has occurred. We call it premonition.
The first cluster of cells in the human embryo begins pulsating as the heart. Embedded within this heartbeat is all the information and impetus necessary for the development of the human body in the womb, and growth of the human spirit throughout one’s lifetime. The heart remains the master conductor. When the brain and the rest of the organs are in coherence with the heart’s vibrations, we are in perfect harmony.
Spiritual intelligence initially taught us to survive — physically and psychologically. We saw ourselves as separate and we became strong with resistance training – pushing against one another. Now it is time for heart-speak. Spiritual intelligence is coming through to teach the human spirit to thrive. Only in the 21st century is the collective human mind evolved enough to aspire across national borders towards global unity.
Our way of seeing the world and the rules of living must change quite radically. The heart accepts everything as-is without judgment and sees no separation. Separation in the mind is a mere reflection of our own distance from our higher self. All threats we perceive outside are our own sense of inadequacy.
Global unity is best served by complete love and acceptance of oneself and others, releasing all judgments. Simple, though not easy, this is the most critical ingredient for unity – within and without. Just as we would not judge a child for not knowing trigonometry, we cannot judge the spiritually inept for fighting wars. The spiritually intelligent solution is in neutralizing their fears with the heart energy of love and creating a safe environment energetically.
Fortunately many tools are available today to accomplish this. Open heart meditations, heart coherence practice, energy tools are among them. Internal integrity is imperative. We need to do this as much for ourselves to alleviate stresses as for the rest of the world. Spiritual intelligence guides us to turn inward. Once we do all the little details of outer action fall in place.

* McCraty R, Atkinson M, Bradley RT., Electrophysiological evidence of intuition Part 1: A system-wide process?; The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. Volume 10, Number 1, 2004, pp. 133–143

** McCraty R, Atkinson M, Bradley RT., Electrophysiological evidence of intuition Part 2: A system-wide process?; The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 2004 Apr;10(2):325-36.

*** ibid.

To access a library of research conducted by the Institute of HeartMath please visit
To download a free e-book on “The Science of the Heart”, please visit
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Saturday, August 27, 2011

If Only You Knew How Much ......

If only you knew how much you are loved
Through your bright days and dark
Through your clear visions
                                  And confusions
In your searching and your longing
Your homecoming
                                 Your belonging
With unwavering constancy
                                  You are loved.

If only you could feel how much you are loved
When you are held by your lover
                        Or when you are alone
When your love speaks through silences
                        Or words in your song
In your excitements and creations
                       In your quiets and frustrations
With unparalleled devotion
                       You are loved.

If only I could show you how much I love you
In ways you could hear and see and feel
And know beyond every shadow of doubt
                         With absolute certainty
That in loving you
                        I dissolve all boundaries of love
And know myself in ways
                        I have not known before.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Body Mind Integration Meditation

The optimum state of functioning is when the body and the mind are perfectly aligned. From this space we can go about our everyday living with a sense of calm productivity. This short meditation paves the way for a practice to get there. Let us minimize stress.(9 min.)

Your Spiritual Intelligence Coach
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, August 13, 2010

Spiritual Intelligence: Path to Personal Power

Oct. 16 & 17, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10– 3. $ 250
Early bird registration by Sept 30 - $ 220
Venue: 2708 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA

“Your inner intelligence is the ultimate & supreme genius, it mirrors the wisdom of the cosmos”, Deepak Chopra.

The question arises -- how does one access the wisdom of this ‘inner intelligence’ and then apply it to everyday living?

This workshop is about just that -- your ‘inner intelligence’, your ‘spirit’, your ‘vital life force energy’ and the power that lies dormant within your ‘soul’. Welcome.

The mind has been a fine steward of evolution and will continue to be so. Yet, if you find yourself stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed, caught in recurring negative emotional patterns, or unable to progress in a desired direction, there seems little the mind is able to do. It is time then to garner your inner spiritual intelligence, arising from the soul.

To do so, it is important to learn about the energy field of consciousness --thoughts, beliefs and emotions, and be able to distinguish the vibrations of the soul. We live and operate within this field.

Ongoing research in quantum mechanics, energy psychology and spiritual healing is giving us deeper understanding of the laws that govern this energy field. More importantly, pioneers who are working with energy are amazed by the power arising out of spiritual intelligence, once we learn to align with it.

There are four distinct parts to this workshop.

• Understanding the energy dynamics from a spiritual perspective (the laws of polarity, energy exchange and accumulation and so forth).

• Recognizing the blocks that appear, sometimes recurring, and the source of our inner resistance (always rooted in a belief that has run its course).

• Applying simple techniques to shift our consciousness to more harmonious vibrations. (Energy tools that address body, mind and soul).

• Experiencing the collective group energy and support in releasing process of deeply embedded blocks. (This part is most valuable).

In other words, if you wish to make some deep changes, let’s get to the root, and let your ‘inner intelligence’ do the work.

To join this workshop visit

(November 20-21. Program in New Delhi, India. Click here to see the details)
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, July 9, 2010

A little Tête-à-tête

I wrote in my recent newsletter : Good things are happening. Let us keep our attention on the good stuff. The media is doing enough of the gloom and doom.

SK responded: Good things are happening? Where Malabika? Why cant my eyes see them?

Me: Quit looking outside SK. What'shappening in your heart?

SK: Well Malabika, the heart has always been giving good messages and it all appears 'in place' when I look from the heart's perpective. The universe seems to be in order.

But then, at times we notice things 'not in sync', especially between what the five senses sense and what the heart knows.

And this continues to exist, sometimes forever.

The fight goes on, the fight for a certain justice, a certain achievement, a certain need, a certain victory and so on.

Root chakra cannot lose its significance, just because Crown Chakra exists. They all need fulfillment, dont they? The seven chakras.

Yes, our consciouness can continue to stay at a higher chakra and feel bliss.

Me: The heart has the secret of perfect balance among all the chakras if only you'd quit giving the third chakra so much power and feed it's need to fight and fix. Stay in your heart power, do what you can without violating your boundary or anyone else's, and trust the rest to the higher intelligence.

SK: Thank you.

He gets it. It is all a matter of perspective. From within. The ego has a preconceived notion of how things 'ought' to be. And it judges everything that is 'not in sync' with that plan as 'bad' and somehow needs to be overcome, over powered, changed, fixed, turned around. The heart on the other hand, has no such hang ups. It goes for joy in whatever little way it can, even in the most dire of circumstances.

A new way of looking at things. A new paradigm.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness