Oct. 16 & 17, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10– 3. $ 250
Early bird registration by Sept 30 - $ 220
Venue: 2708 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA
“Your inner intelligence is the ultimate & supreme genius, it mirrors the wisdom of the cosmos”, Deepak Chopra.
The question arises -- how does one access the wisdom of this ‘inner intelligence’ and then apply it to everyday living?
This workshop is about just that -- your ‘inner intelligence’, your ‘spirit’, your ‘vital life force energy’ and the power that lies dormant within your ‘soul’. Welcome.
The mind has been a fine steward of evolution and will continue to be so. Yet, if you find yourself stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed, caught in recurring negative emotional patterns, or unable to progress in a desired direction, there seems little the mind is able to do. It is time then to garner your inner spiritual intelligence, arising from the soul.
To do so, it is important to learn about the energy field of consciousness --thoughts, beliefs and emotions, and be able to distinguish the vibrations of the soul. We live and operate within this field.
Ongoing research in quantum mechanics, energy psychology and spiritual healing is giving us deeper understanding of the laws that govern this energy field. More importantly, pioneers who are working with energy are amazed by the power arising out of spiritual intelligence, once we learn to align with it.
There are four distinct parts to this workshop.
• Understanding the energy dynamics from a spiritual perspective (the laws of polarity, energy exchange and accumulation and so forth).
• Recognizing the blocks that appear, sometimes recurring, and the source of our inner resistance (always rooted in a belief that has run its course).
• Applying simple techniques to shift our consciousness to more harmonious vibrations. (Energy tools that address body, mind and soul).
• Experiencing the collective group energy and support in releasing process of deeply embedded blocks. (This part is most valuable).
In other words, if you wish to make some deep changes, let’s get to the root, and let your ‘inner intelligence’ do the work.
To join this workshop visit http://www.visionwholistic.net/classes%20and%20workshops.html
(November 20-21. Program in New Delhi, India. Click here to see the details)
Creating the ability to see Wholeness