Showing posts with label EFT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EFT. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What are you thinking? And how is it working for you?

For several years now, we have been hearing that we create our own reality, and we create it with our attention, our thoughts and beliefs, and our intentions. We have busied ourselves with vision boards, attending courses and workshops on the Law of Attraction, and we can pretty much quote examples from the Abraham-Hicks publications on any occasion.

All this is good. Very good. Yet I find, while we may project visions of the future, most folks tend to trip up when it come to working with prevailing patterns -- existing relationships, present jobs, conclusions already concluded, self image .... and a host of other 'given' stuff. It is as if when we have determined  something as 'given', we now have to give it power to continue its hold over us, and as if we no longer have the creative facility to alter that.

Jean and Jack's Story

Let me give you an example. Jean was totally stressed over her grandson Jack. She described Jack as mean, loud, undisciplined, bullying and requiring perpetual attention whenever he was with his other little cousins. Jack's mother allowed this and did not take the responsibility to discipline him...... and so forth. Then she told me that this child was her son's stepson and was only three and a half years old.

Wham!!! I almost fell off my chair. Why was this sixty some year old lady stressing herself out of shape on account of this one little tyke?  What needed to change? Could it be her beliefs, her perceptions, her judgments, her complete inability to accept this boy and his mother as part of her family? I explained to Jean that the boy was sensing the energy of strong judgment and rejection the moment he stepped near her and got busy responding to it. That if Jean wished for a different response, she had to learn to put out a different vibration with her thoughts and feelings to invite it.

'Let's change the narrative that you have created around Jack', I invited. That is where we began. Jean and I worked over the next several weeks while she reprogrammed her beliefs, her story. Jack transformed in her mind from the horrible little terror to a child so deprived of attention and love that he would do do anything to get it. He needed caring, and careful attention -- neither indulgence, nor rejection -- the two he was most familiar with. So Jean decided it was possible for her to change her own attitude towards Jack.

It would be a lie if I told you that it was easy. The mind (read 'ego') loves to hold on to the stories it has  authored. That is its default paradigm. No, it required Jean's constant alertness. It required that Jean recognize her own fears and learn to set them aside, that she learn to call upon the love in her heart in the face of the greatest odds. Jean prayed, meditated, used EFT and other resources to get her mind to cooperate with her new resolve. Fortunately for her, Jack being the sensitive child he was, immediately started to sense the difference. A little confused at first, he slowly quietened and then gradually changed certainly while with his adoptive grandmother.

This is not an isolated incident. I have seen tables completely turn around when people take charge of the energy they are projecting through their thoughts and beliefs. Relationships can change radically.

My own story.

In spite of teaching these principles in my mentoring program, I have to admit I fall from time to time. Like the time I was getting mad that a person who owed me money had been slacking and was way behind schedule. So I defaulted into my old patterns -- scarcity mindset, feeling dishonored, my work not valued. I allowed myself to at first be irritated and then downright angry.

Mind you all this toxic thought process can really drain your own energy and take a toll on you. So one morning I had to ask myself the question "What am I thinking? And how was it working for me?" Not good I thought. I had to change my mind. If I wanted things to be different, I had to get over this victim mindset -- 'It is all her stupid fault and I can't do anything except rave and rant'-- to something a little more wholesome.

I had a choice. I call this choosing our terms of engagement -- how do I wish to engage with this situation?  Step one, get out of victim mode and accept your own role in the drama. Done. Step two: Accept things as they are and remove all judgement. That needed a little work --- 'who knows, may be she is going through a tough time, maybe she was laid off, she has every intention paying me but is otherwise busy (my mind's great need to rationalize)'. Eventually, I was able to accept.

I could have left it at that, but chose to go a step further, because I knew I could. I decided I was going to send her love and light in ways that I know to do, so that she may be lifted out of her funk and be able to honor herself and keep the promises she made. And that is what I did. Reclaimed not only my own power, but my ability to shift the energy. With the practice of Ho'oponopono that energy shifted and shifted swiftly. Within the day, my pending bill of multiple weeks was paid.

Trust me, this energy stuff is miraculous. Learn it. Practice it and watch your life become even richer. It's just that sometimes we have to work with energy beyond the mind in order to get the mind to change. Well worth it.

Your everyday spiritual living guide,

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Five Fantastic Free Will Fridays this Festival Season

This is an invitation.

I love my job. The most exciting part of it is to be able to spread out the wonder of energy healing and conscious living. Once you start to experience the benefit, it stays with you. So to create an opportunity for all those who wish to try it out, and in appreciation of all that is and will be, I am offering Five Free Will Fridays this Festival Season. 

The dates are Fridays November 22, December 6, 13, 20 and 27th.

What does this mean? 

On each of these days,  I am suspending the regular charges for my private sessions. Instead, I am offering 50- minute Individual and Personalized Energy Healing and Clearing Sessions and as energy exchange, you are invited to make a heart-felt Free will Offering of any amount of money you may wish to give.

Who can participate? 

Everyone is welcome, no matter where in the world you may be located. We will mutually adjust the timings accordingly. These sessions can be 
  • in person if you are within driving distance
  • on phone,
  • on the internet ( Skype is my preferred option)
  • or remote/distance healing session via email
Please feel free to take this opportunity whether or not you have experienced energy healing before.
  • You may just be curious, or
  • You may have something that bothers you that you would like to work through, or
  • You may have an ongoing health issue, or
  • You may wish to just relax and rejuvinate. or
  • You may wish to experience one of the many energy techniques I use, or
  • You may wish to learn to meditate, or
  • You may just wish to talk about something that has been on your mind .....

Any or all of that is welcome. If you have the time on one of those dates, please call me at 1.617.795.7060 (H) or 1.515.720.9520 (cell), or email ( to make an appointment. The sessions will be of 50 minutes duration. Four slots are available on each of those days (total of 20 sessions). Choose your date and get on the calendar. It will be on first-come-first-served basis. I am delighted to work with you and will indeed be grateful for the opportunity.

A quick reminder 

In my Energy Healing sessions I apply a combination of Reiki, Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) and other meditative healing methods. All of these are anchored in spirit. But most of all I support you in experiencing life differently as you shift your perspective.

And a gentle request

Please be sure you will participate once you set up an appointment. Last minute cancellation leads to other people being excluded who could not be accommodated on the first come principle. Should something change, do let me know well in advance. Thank you.

I am excited to be working with you. 

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Five Fantastic Free Will Fridays

This is an invitation.

I love my job. I love the deep energetic connections with my clients and students. I love unravelling life's endless mysteries with you. I am truly grateful to all of you who have come my way through classes, workshops and personal sessions. I learn and grow. Your gift is invaluable.

In appreciation of all that is and will be, I am offereing Five Free Will Fridays
on August 19, 26 and September 2, 9 and 16.

On these days, I am offering Individual and Personalized Energy Healing and Clearing Sessions. There will be no charge. Instead as energy exchange, I invite you to make a free will offering of any amount you wish.

Everyone is welcome, no matter where in the world you may be located. We will mutually adjust the timings accordingly. These sessions can be
  • in person if you are within driving distance
  • on phone,
  • on the internet ( Skype is my preferred option)
  • or remote/distance healing session via email
Please feel free to take this opportunity whether or not you have experienced energy healing before.
  • You may be just curious, or
  • You may have something that is bothering you that you would like to work through, or,
  • You may have a health issue, or
  • You may wish to just relax and rejuvinate. or
  • You may wish to experience one of the many energy techniques I use, or
  • You may wish to learn to meditate, or
  • You may just wish to talk about something that has been on your mind .....

Any or all of that is welcome. If you have the time on one of those dates, please call (1.515.720.9520) or email ( and make an appointment. The sessions will be of 50 minutes duration. Seven slots are available on each of those days (a maximum of 35 sessions). Choose your date and get on the calendar. It will be on first-come-first-served basis. I am delighted to work with you and will indeed be grateful for the opportunity.

Just a quick reminder that in my energy healing sessions I apply any or a combination of Reiki, Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Technique EFT), Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) and other meditative healing methods. All of these are anchored in spirit. The results can be quite transformative.

I am excited to be working with you.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Saturday, August 2, 2008

EFT stories for Gary Craig

Hello Gary,

I have just returned from two weeks of vacation. I wish to share some short and sweet experiences with surrogate EFT during my travels – all involving little children.

The first was at the airport as we were beginning to board. There was a family with three young children. One of the boys, my guess of around two and half or three, seemed to be in absolute despair at the prospect of going into the plane. He was flat on the ground, flailing his hands and legs refusing to get up and screaming. The mother was trying to console him. His dad stood by looking rather helpless and a little embarrassed, and the siblings bewildered.

I was attracted by all the commotion. I walked up to the Dad and said ‘ask his Mom to gently tap on his collarbone’ (for some reason I intuited that would help). You can imagine the Dad’s confused expression at this strange woman asking to do something quite bizarre. “Tap on what….?” He asked. I repeated “collarbone”. And then as if to demonstrate, I stood right there and tapped on my own collarbone repeating in my head “even though I am really scared to get in that plane, it’s ok, I’ll be safe”, “My Mom is right here, I’ll be ok”, “It’s very scary, I’ll be ok”, ‘my Dad is right here, I’ll be safe”, and so on. I couldn’t tell whether the Mom actually tapped on him or not.

It would have taken about a minute, you could see the sudden shift. This child who was quite inconsolable till now sat up determinedly and between sobs said to his mother, ‘ok. I will go with you. Hold my hand, I will go with you”. That’s what I heard and saw the immense relief on both parents’ faces as they collected their belongings and headed for the plane.

The next incident was on a different flight. Again there was an infant some rows behind me crying quite inconsolably. I couldn’t see them but heard the Mom getting rather desperate. I tuned in and employed the surrogate technique and again it took less than two minutes to become quiet. I got a sense that the baby was asleep.

The third incident was at a restaurant during the same trip. A family of four was dining and their little girl on a high chair suddenly let out an almighty scream and proceeded to bawl. The parents tried to console her but she went on. Our attention was drawn. I remembered my airplane incidents, and asked my 14 year old niece who was with me “you want to help quiet this child?” She has learnt basic EFT from me. I told her to tune in to the kid and follow what I was doing. We both did a couple of rounds on ‘even though mommy won’t give me that thing, it’s ok, she loves me’. My niece kept grinning as she watched this child quiet down.

I have to smile each time this happens. Skeptics may think it’s a series of coincidences. I am ok with that. Who knows. I know that I’ll tap whenever the opportunity arises and let the happy coincidences bring the parents some peace.

Thanks Gary.

Malabika Shaw
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Surrogate Tapping

Dear Gary,

(This is addressed to Gary Craig, EFT Founder and Master Tapper at

It really has been so wonderful to have entered the world of Emotional Freedom Technique a few short years ago. Among all the energy tools I use in my practice, this is my favorite. EFT burrows its way underneath the conscious mind and somehow digs up the issues related to the problem – kind of lets it bubble up. There are many wonderful experiences I could share, but today I want to tell you mainly about my success with surrogate tapping. (Names have been altered to protect my clients’ privacy).

The first case is about Jean. Jean is in her 60s but has carried an enormous amount of ‘mother damage’ all her life. Her life was focused on getting approval from her ever critical mother as she was growing up. Then, as often happens, she married men who displayed the same disapproving characteristics like her mother. When she came to me, Jean had been through three marriages and still bitter about her mom, though mom had passed more than ten years ago. We did several sessions around ‘even though my mother didn’t approve of……etc’, chopping the trees as we went along. Jean was feeling better but I kept thinking that the releases were painfully slow.

That was until we did the surrogate tapping. I was inspired to ask Jean one day to pretend that she was her mom Rose and we both started to tap. I tapped on myself as if I was Rose, as did Jean. We tuned into the energy of this dead lady and let the thoughts and the word come out as they did. It was as if a volcano was waiting to erupt. Jean quickly tuned in emotionally to Rose’s feelings of being trapped in a loveless marriage, her frustration, her anger, her sense of helplessness, her need to please everyone, and the near complete erosion of her sense of self. The most touching piece was that Rose who had been raised in a faith different to her husband’s had to hide her practice because he did not approve. This had filled Rose with a tremendous sense of guilt and a belief that she was rejected by God beyond any hope of redemption. Though Jean knew the history, it was the first time she was able to emotionally experience the utter desolation her mother must have gone through. She wept copiously as we continued to tap. Slowly as the energies shifted (about 45 mins), Jean was able to regard this woman that she had always viewed as selfish and manipulative, with compassion. In the last part of the session (25 mins) we tapped on forgiveness. “I forgive my mother, she was doing the best she knew” and “I forgive myself (Jean), for my inability to understand you, Mom. I love you Mom”.

Jean says she feels more at peace with herself now than ever before.

The second case is about Linda whose 24 year old son Ron was in a graduate program 1500 miles from home and was suffering from prolonged bouts of depression that was affecting his academic performance. He was very uncertain about his future. Linda was concerned for her son, but also filled with guilt around her divorce from Ron’s father when Ron was 8. She felt this was the root of Ron’s depressions.

We first tapped on Linda’s guilt around the divorce. The tapping seemed to take Linda deeper into sadness around in how many ways she may have failed her son.

At one point I suggested we switch to surrogate tapping for Ron. And we did that. “Even though my parents have no time for me…….” “Even though the only time I got attention was when I was ill. ….” And so forth. When I felt that the energy had shifted and Linda was considerably lighter, we tapped in positive reframes on Ron’s behalf. “I am young, strong and healthy. I love what I do. I love my courses. I am really good at these subjects. I am one of the best. There is a great future waiting for me. I am worthy and deserving of it….” And so forth. Now there was a palpable shift in the energy. The session was about 90 minutes long. Linda was feeling calm and hopeful about her son.

Later she reported that Ron’s depression had dissipated almost immediately. He was soon enthusiastically applying for jobs. In less than a month, Ron was accepted as an intern in a prestigious technical institute on the east coast.

Thank you Gary, for teaching this marvelous tool that can change the quality of one’s life so powerfully.

Malabika Shaw