Showing posts with label Conscious Energy Technologies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conscious Energy Technologies. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2015

How do I get out of this space and on to one that I choose?

Powerful Man
Recently I had the opportunity to work with a young man who felt that he was stuck in a space that was oppressive, demanding,  unrelenting, life draining and repetitious. He was in debt. After abandoning a couple of unsuccessful projects, he was stuck in a job he did not like. A court case threatened his living arrangement. He had tried everything he knew to break out of his situation. Every action seemed lead him right back to square one. So now he wondered if there was a spiritual solution to his problem. His question was 'What can I do to get out and stay out of this pattern?' 'Tell me a course of action that I may help myself'. 'What is the spiritual lesson here?'

This, I find, is a fairly common theme. I have put together here very briefly the steps that I have found useful for myself as well as for my clients. Perhaps it will give you some ideas too.

1. The first step is to acknowledge that this situation is not an accident. It has been created over a period of time through the choices made by us. What appeared to be the right choice at the time did not deliver as the mind had imagined. Acknowledge you have the power to change this through different choices.

2. Take a decision -- clearly, strongly, unequivocally to change the situation. The power of intention is one of the most potent forces in the co-creative partnership between the universe and ourselves. Once we have decided, the train of life has started moving out of the current station towards where we wish to go.

3. Connect with the greater reality that is made of vibrations. Accept that there is bigger picture unfolding. There is an energetic reality beyond the five senses and three dimensions that meets the eye. This affects everything in our lives and is affected by everything. The more we learn to work with this reality, the greater control we can exercise in our lives. Educate yourself as to how the world of human energy field works.

4. Learn how your thoughts matter. Thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and judgments affect our vibrations and have the capability take us towards our goal or away from it. Every thought matters. Every word we utter matters. Every belief we hold will either raise our vibration or lower it. Learn to replace old thoughts with new ones that support your goal.

5. Refuse to harp on the past. By all means learn from the past, but steadfastly refuse to blame, shame, regret, feel guilty, malign, explain, rationalize or even recount, relate or discuss past events that did not work. This is about everyone in your life but most importantly about yourself. Take credit for choices you made in the past was with the conviction that that was your best option then. You are wiser now. There is another opportunity to choose.

6. Align your energy to your goal. Invest in getting clarity about your goal. It is not enough to say I am going away from this terrible place. More importantly, do you know where you are going? What will life look like there? What will it feel like? What will you do? With whom? What will you say and hear? Imagine. The more clearly you can imagine that future, the closer that reality comes to you.

7. Learn to manage your emotions. Emotions give life to your new reality. Thoughts and imaginations are the building blocks. Emotions is what holds the new reality together and gives it life. Emotions of gratitude, appreciation, love, joy, positive expectations lift up your vision to that space where it starts to manifest. Those of doubt, fear, pessimism, unworthiness are sure to take your dream off its course.

8. Know that you have the power. Simply by setting your pure and clear intention, you have invoked the power of the universe to deliver your goal to you. All you have to do is to any identify blocks that may be there to receiving and layer by layer remove them.

9. Remain aligned to the greater part of you. Your higher self will support you on your journey. Never think of yourself as alone. Your ego would like you to believe that you have to accomplish all this with great hardship and effort. That belief is passe. If it needs too much effort, it only means that you are not connected to the higher source of creation. Stay aligned. Learn to trust the process and allow.

10. Learn simple energy tools that help shift deeply embedded energy in various layers of the psyche and the conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds. There are many out there --   meditative and other energy therapies, body-mind-soul work, journaling, working with sound, movement...... the possibilities are endless. It is easier to do this with a coach or a mentor to show the way forward and keep you on track when old habits tend to pull you back into old though patterns.

The spiritual lesson always is to remain empowered through the connection of our higher intelligence. As the wise ones say 'If Spirit has brought you to it, Spirit will see you through it'. Trust it is so. Enjoy the process.

Your energy healing guide,


Spiritual Mentorship
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What are you thinking? And how is it working for you?

For several years now, we have been hearing that we create our own reality, and we create it with our attention, our thoughts and beliefs, and our intentions. We have busied ourselves with vision boards, attending courses and workshops on the Law of Attraction, and we can pretty much quote examples from the Abraham-Hicks publications on any occasion.

All this is good. Very good. Yet I find, while we may project visions of the future, most folks tend to trip up when it come to working with prevailing patterns -- existing relationships, present jobs, conclusions already concluded, self image .... and a host of other 'given' stuff. It is as if when we have determined  something as 'given', we now have to give it power to continue its hold over us, and as if we no longer have the creative facility to alter that.

Jean and Jack's Story

Let me give you an example. Jean was totally stressed over her grandson Jack. She described Jack as mean, loud, undisciplined, bullying and requiring perpetual attention whenever he was with his other little cousins. Jack's mother allowed this and did not take the responsibility to discipline him...... and so forth. Then she told me that this child was her son's stepson and was only three and a half years old.

Wham!!! I almost fell off my chair. Why was this sixty some year old lady stressing herself out of shape on account of this one little tyke?  What needed to change? Could it be her beliefs, her perceptions, her judgments, her complete inability to accept this boy and his mother as part of her family? I explained to Jean that the boy was sensing the energy of strong judgment and rejection the moment he stepped near her and got busy responding to it. That if Jean wished for a different response, she had to learn to put out a different vibration with her thoughts and feelings to invite it.

'Let's change the narrative that you have created around Jack', I invited. That is where we began. Jean and I worked over the next several weeks while she reprogrammed her beliefs, her story. Jack transformed in her mind from the horrible little terror to a child so deprived of attention and love that he would do do anything to get it. He needed caring, and careful attention -- neither indulgence, nor rejection -- the two he was most familiar with. So Jean decided it was possible for her to change her own attitude towards Jack.

It would be a lie if I told you that it was easy. The mind (read 'ego') loves to hold on to the stories it has  authored. That is its default paradigm. No, it required Jean's constant alertness. It required that Jean recognize her own fears and learn to set them aside, that she learn to call upon the love in her heart in the face of the greatest odds. Jean prayed, meditated, used EFT and other resources to get her mind to cooperate with her new resolve. Fortunately for her, Jack being the sensitive child he was, immediately started to sense the difference. A little confused at first, he slowly quietened and then gradually changed certainly while with his adoptive grandmother.

This is not an isolated incident. I have seen tables completely turn around when people take charge of the energy they are projecting through their thoughts and beliefs. Relationships can change radically.

My own story.

In spite of teaching these principles in my mentoring program, I have to admit I fall from time to time. Like the time I was getting mad that a person who owed me money had been slacking and was way behind schedule. So I defaulted into my old patterns -- scarcity mindset, feeling dishonored, my work not valued. I allowed myself to at first be irritated and then downright angry.

Mind you all this toxic thought process can really drain your own energy and take a toll on you. So one morning I had to ask myself the question "What am I thinking? And how was it working for me?" Not good I thought. I had to change my mind. If I wanted things to be different, I had to get over this victim mindset -- 'It is all her stupid fault and I can't do anything except rave and rant'-- to something a little more wholesome.

I had a choice. I call this choosing our terms of engagement -- how do I wish to engage with this situation?  Step one, get out of victim mode and accept your own role in the drama. Done. Step two: Accept things as they are and remove all judgement. That needed a little work --- 'who knows, may be she is going through a tough time, maybe she was laid off, she has every intention paying me but is otherwise busy (my mind's great need to rationalize)'. Eventually, I was able to accept.

I could have left it at that, but chose to go a step further, because I knew I could. I decided I was going to send her love and light in ways that I know to do, so that she may be lifted out of her funk and be able to honor herself and keep the promises she made. And that is what I did. Reclaimed not only my own power, but my ability to shift the energy. With the practice of Ho'oponopono that energy shifted and shifted swiftly. Within the day, my pending bill of multiple weeks was paid.

Trust me, this energy stuff is miraculous. Learn it. Practice it and watch your life become even richer. It's just that sometimes we have to work with energy beyond the mind in order to get the mind to change. Well worth it.

Your everyday spiritual living guide,

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, August 5, 2013

Why I Invited Johnny Dolittle into My Life or Conscious Creation.

(This piece has appeared before. It is still a good one to revisit).
What if I really took complete responsibility and accepted that I am the chief architect in creating and holding in place everything that is going on in my life, good, bad or indifferent? What if I truly begin to believe that the state of my consciousness is the most powerful influence to change that? What if I also acknowledged that there are stuff (people, situations, conditions) in my life that fall in categories ranging from ‘oh-I-don’t-really-care-for-that’ going all the way down to ‘I-hate-that’ and ‘that-must-be-squashed-killed-driven-out-banished-from-my-life’? What if I took to heart that I purposely put those things there, so I could evolve on a fast track?
Would my life look different? Feel different? Something to ponder upon, really. I did.
I noticed that Johnny Doolittle with whom I have been really mad for what feels like a century, because he is sooooo negative, downright lazy and will of course never ever change, is now winking at me with the question dancing in the air ‘have you ever been lazy and negative? And have you forgiven yourself for it?’
And that job that I reluctantly drag myself to every Monday morning (gotta pay my bills, you know), the one that suffocates me with the deadlines, timelines, reviews and my monster boss breathing down my neck? Why did I put that there? My inner guide descends from some esoteric realm, stands leaning on the doorpost, cool as a cucumber and says, “Good question, kid. At last you are learning to ask the right ones. Now just wait for the answer.”
The answers are bitter pills to begin with. I never trusted my creative expression. Not for a moment did I let myself believe what I really love doing can and will pay my bills. I let someone else take the risk and the responsibility. I was willing to tag along, toe the line. Everyone needs a job, that’s what people do and so did I and worked hard for others. Become a slave to someone else’s creative organization. And now my spirit is suffocatiing and pleading me to get out. Deep breath.
That I am still here must mean I have yet to prepare myself to take that responsibility. My spirit is standing by, reminding me everyday that’s what I must do…….. that’s what I must do. Meanwhile I am so grateful to the folks I work for that they take the risk, they create a place where I can come and give my hours in exchange of my rent and other bills. One of these days, I have promised myself, I will be working at a place that I enjoy. I am getting ready.
And what about this relationship? What about this partner of mine who was going to make me happy on all counts, support and love me forever? Why do we keep getting into these unpleasant entanglements? Why am I still here? Why do I hang on to him, and he to me? It’s old habit, you say? No?
Old habit, may be, but when did I lose sight of love. I made him such a part of me that now I take him for granted every moment, as I do my hands and feet. My eyes and teeth. When he shovels the snow, paints the basement, replaces the window, fixes the furnace ….. oh of course he is supposed to do that, isn’t he the guy? But why won’t he also do all this other stuff which really I would like to do but don’t have the guts, the conviction or the wherewithal to go and do by myself? Like learning to dance…….. I’d leave in a heartbeat but for the fact thet he pays half the mortgage and I don’t make that much money.
The truth I am trying to accept here is that I am solely responsible for creating this too. Aaaaargh!!!
And how would I change it if I lose sight of love? Isn't that the juice? My inner guide is still leaning on doorpost snickering away, “You are getting it, kid, don’t stop now!!”
Hmmm. Through the eyes of love again then, I guess, it is time to see it all through the eyes of love. Nothing and no one can be take for granted any more. Not their job to make me feel better. No one else is responsible. So thank you, and you and you and you. Thank you today for who you are, what you do and what you add to my life.
Thank you also for what feels like you are taking away without equally returning the favor. Thanks for the reminder. That I am still here must only mean I am utterly blind to the compensation, because I have so taken it for granted. Energies must necessarily be in some degree of balance in order to let the situation exist.
Whew!!! The head spins. Awareness is the first step to making changes. I am. I will. It is set in motion. It is my life and I am the creator.

Your Energy Resources Guide 
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cement Around My Legs

Mira is one of the most wonderfully loving women I have met. She loves her family, loves living in this city. Her job she says is okay, keeps her going nothing much to complain about. And for some unknown reason, she said,she kept feeling this growing sense of anxiety. Nothing in particular, no specific triggers that she could think of, just this feeling of a 'what if...... ' of the negative kind.

'That is very frustrating', she said. 'At least if I could put my finger on it, I would be able to address it. This nonspecific sense of doom is just tying me down. I can't move forward. It is as if someone has poured cement around my legs without my knowledge and it is solidifying'.

There is a very simple spiritual truth around feeling this way. I reminded Mira of the saying 'if Spirit has brought you to it, Spirit will see you through it'. There is a greater intelligence coming through telling you that you are ripe and ready to embrace your spiritual self, your deeper persona. There is infinite wisdom in you waiting to unfold to show you the way out of those cement blocks, The old ego-centric, fear based formula of navigating the world is over for you. Time to open up to a whole new level of being. And it is time to learn the new rules of the game.

'Trust God', 'trust your innerself', 'trust spirit'..... we have heard it said. But how, you may ask. Just like anything else changing our default thought patterns, conditioning, programs and perceptions require a set of knowledge and skills. Do you know what these are?

Mira and I spent a greater part of the afternoon exploring some of these energy based techniques and knowledge. When we were done, Mira stood up to leave. With a huge smile she turned to me and said, ' The cement around my legs are already dissolving. I thonk I am going to love this work.'

(Name changed to protect my client's identity).

To learn more about Malabika's spiritually anchored mentoring and healing program click here.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Reiki: The Entryway to Fourth Dimensional Living

Have you noticed how the old tried and tested methods of resolving problems are not that effective in the long run? That problem may be physical -- pain, discomfort or disease, or menta and emotional. It's as if the universe is pushing us to find new solutions to problems old and new. And it is. Mankind is progressing from three diemnsional to fourth dimension reality. And understanding our energy system is the first step to that.

of all the ways weknow to connect with energy, my personal favorite is the way of Reiki. It is gentle, loving and most easy to connect to. Once you learn to tune into Reiki, a whole another world starts to open up for you, and those irresolvable problems slowly start to dissolve.

Find a teacher close to you. Or see the classes scheduled on my website.

Malabika: Your Guide to the world of energy.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rena's Story: Son Turns Over a New Leaf

Twenty seven years of her son Aaron's life were not particualrly pleasant for Rena . Within a year of his birth, Rena lost her husband. Her mother and brothers supported her in raising Aaron. While Rena was getting her life back together, Aaron lived and grew up with his cousins almost as siblings. He went to school and camps and took vacations with them.

Problems began to surface as Aaron was becoming a young adult. Although he did well in academics and was accepted in a management school, emotionally he appeared wounded. He blamed his mother for abandoning him, found faults with her familiy's attitude toward him. He felt discriminated against. At some point started to flirt with drugs.

Needless to say, Rena tried everything within her power to get this young man to see reason. But Aaorn would have none of it. 'Get off my back' was his attitude. Their rare phone conversations grew shorter. Aaron was brusque. Over time mother and son hardly communicated.

When I met Rena, she was nurturing a broken heart and was worried sick about her son's future. She felt she had no control. Realizing that direct intervention in the matter was useless, Rena started to take interest in energy work.

Initially the energy therapies Rena pursued were primarily to find some peace of mind for herself. She learned techniques, went to personal healing sessions and retreats. Although her own pain was getting better she continued to worry about Aaron. She arranged for healing practitioners to send distant healing to help Aaron.

Then something unique happened. In a session with Rena, I asked her to describe her son as she thought of him. She created this picture of a helpless, lonesome boy who had become angry, rebellious, disrespectful and irresponsible. It was a damning portrait -- for both mother and son. She felt tremendous guilt as a mother that she just could not shake off.

Over then next few days, Rena worked on releasing her guilt. Then we took time to assist Rena in creating a different image of Aaron in her mind. She pulled up memories of Aaron as a loving child excited about life. We built on that to create a vision of a strong, positive young man who was eager to take responsibility for his life. The greatest challenge Rena needed to overcome was her own doubts that this could ever be possible. But her love and strong desire for her son were on her side. She relentlessly worked at removing her own blocks. She learned to turn around the energy of negative thoughts that arose in her mind concerning Aaron, while her energy worker friends continued to support both mother and son.

The result was quick and astounding. In about two weeks, Rena called me to say 'this is a miracle.' Aaron, who had not spoken to Rena for months, had called for a short but decent conversation the previous week. That morning he had visited his mother in her home and spent time with her. He had assured her that he was ready for his new job responsibilies. He expressed his gratitude for all the support Rena's family had extended to him. He had looked relaxed and happy. In Rena's mind, it was indeed a miracle.

I had to smile as I heard Rena's story. Once again she validated that what brings us misery is our way of looking at things, our fears and our inability to trust. These are deep seated patterns. If we can find the tools to change those and shift our vibrations, the outer reality powerfully changes. The world reflects back to us that which we create in our energy field.

This is Spiritual Intelligence.

Enjoy your life, your thoughts and your vibes.


You can find more about Spiritual Intelligence at this link.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, August 13, 2010

Spiritual Intelligence: Path to Personal Power

Oct. 16 & 17, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10– 3. $ 250
Early bird registration by Sept 30 - $ 220
Venue: 2708 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA

“Your inner intelligence is the ultimate & supreme genius, it mirrors the wisdom of the cosmos”, Deepak Chopra.

The question arises -- how does one access the wisdom of this ‘inner intelligence’ and then apply it to everyday living?

This workshop is about just that -- your ‘inner intelligence’, your ‘spirit’, your ‘vital life force energy’ and the power that lies dormant within your ‘soul’. Welcome.

The mind has been a fine steward of evolution and will continue to be so. Yet, if you find yourself stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed, caught in recurring negative emotional patterns, or unable to progress in a desired direction, there seems little the mind is able to do. It is time then to garner your inner spiritual intelligence, arising from the soul.

To do so, it is important to learn about the energy field of consciousness --thoughts, beliefs and emotions, and be able to distinguish the vibrations of the soul. We live and operate within this field.

Ongoing research in quantum mechanics, energy psychology and spiritual healing is giving us deeper understanding of the laws that govern this energy field. More importantly, pioneers who are working with energy are amazed by the power arising out of spiritual intelligence, once we learn to align with it.

There are four distinct parts to this workshop.

• Understanding the energy dynamics from a spiritual perspective (the laws of polarity, energy exchange and accumulation and so forth).

• Recognizing the blocks that appear, sometimes recurring, and the source of our inner resistance (always rooted in a belief that has run its course).

• Applying simple techniques to shift our consciousness to more harmonious vibrations. (Energy tools that address body, mind and soul).

• Experiencing the collective group energy and support in releasing process of deeply embedded blocks. (This part is most valuable).

In other words, if you wish to make some deep changes, let’s get to the root, and let your ‘inner intelligence’ do the work.

To join this workshop visit

(November 20-21. Program in New Delhi, India. Click here to see the details)
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Abundant Universe

Our physical three dimensional five sensory world has gotten us so bogged down with the idea of scarcity, of finite matter and of survival, that it boggles our mind to think that the universe can actually be a place of infinite abundance.

Why wouldn't it be? Everything is energy before it turns to matter. And there is infinite energy.

INFINITE ABUNDANCE. Just say it and see how it feels.

INFINITE ABUNDANCE. Sound of sweet music. Allow it to play over and over again in your ears and resonate in your pulse. The gravity and the significance of the thought will gradually start to seep in. Then think about how such a concept would affect every level every aspect of your being.

Enjoy. Have fun. Be seeing you here again soon.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

An Inside Job

When a change takes place within, it sure can enhance the quaity of life in ways we can hardly imagine. A client just stopped by for a cup of tea and to tell me how he is doing.

"Funny", he said, "just some months ago I was so despondent, discouraged, dragging my heels, depressed. And now I can't wait to get up in the morning and get going. There is life waiting for me out there loaded with gifts. All I have to do is reach out and pluck the fruits", he said. "The only reason I don't already have them I realize", he added, "that I didn't really want them that much, at least not with the same degree of clarity I have now. I was more comfortable being miserable. No matter how much I hated it, it was a space I knew."

And what changed it? Drugs, medication, therapy?!? Nope, none of those, at least in this case. Just plain awareness. Opening up to the knowledge about oneself through self study, meditations and energy healing practices that help change the thought process. And suddenly life is so much brighter and so much more fun.

Is it possible? You bet. Can someone teach me? Yes, of course.
Check it out at this link.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ready to Receive?

The Law of Attraction has created such a buzz. Everyone is walking around visualizing. creating vision boards, thinking positive thoughts, staying in the right vibrations... the whole 9 yards. And then getting frustrated because the object of their desire is taking its own sweet time to show up. So where's the hitch?

If the Law of Attraction is such a profound law of the universe, how come it isn't working? This is the question.

Well, there seems to be a deeper and significant part to the law of attraction. Are we ready to receive what we desire? Or do we expect to be in the old track aswe were before. This is the part most folks are still grappling with.

Getting ready to receive requires an understanding of ones deeper psyche and what drives it. What are resistance sthat are in place that need to be overcome?

Are you ready to receive?
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, November 3, 2008

Your thoughts, your mind, your energy

You are pure energy. Everything about you is pure energy. You are the energy of the consciousness that is you — The Energy That Is You. And as your consciousness shifts, expands, grows, so do you.

This is the space where you will find tidbits on your energy, where it comes from, what enhances it, what depletes it, how it supports you and how you may integrate with it even more. Be prepared for a wonderful adventure through these pages.

In the meanwhile, I would love to invite you to ask your questions, send in your queries, express your curiousity of the world of energy. It is the next field of our evolution, would you agree?

More anon.

Your conscious energy specialist.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Sound of AUM

Sound is our very first sensory experience. Sound can shift and move energy, bring it together and blast it out. It can be immensely soothing to the nerves when we resonate and horribly painful when we do not.

Try this simple sound to find resonance within.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, April 25, 2008

Executive Coaching

Paul asked whether I did 'executive coaching'. The answer is yes, yes and yes. In my Mentorship program I coach people to be more effective exactly where they are. Every other person I have coached in the past two and a half years is an executive. The others have ranged from independent professionals, coaches, care givers to young mothers.

Executives need this support as much, if not more, than others. Why? Because as the market competition gets tougher, the stress factor climbs. Many are reaching a point where the tried old methods no longer produce the desired results. So they are open to exploring something new, something different like the Conscious Energy Technologies.

If you are in an executive position looking for news ways to deal with old stress, this may be an opportunity. Check it out.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, April 21, 2008

Tong Ren

Tom Tam of Quincy, MA, has been teaching this healing technique. It is a fascinating process. It is based on the Chinese meridian system that is the basis for acupunture and acupressure. Except that Tom doesn't do either. His is a surrogate method using a rubber doll. And he taps on the meridian points using a small magnetic hammer.

Does it work? Absolutely. I recently attended a workshop where we worked on one another. You can feel the energy being released. Not uncommon. We are tapping into the field of the collective consciousness as we do when we send Reiki through distance healing, or when we do surrogate tapping in EFT, or Spiritual Restructuring. Tom has figured out a much more convenient and focused method.

Read more about Tom at

Once again, there's a fascinating world of Energy Healing growing out there.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness