Showing posts with label healing.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing.. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Man Who Wouldn't Trust His Gifts

The Man Who Wouldn't Trust His Gifts
Eddie sat in front of me and proceeded to relate to me the energetic states of my Chakras. In two sentences, he also told me, patterns I have run in many past lives that I was already aware of. This young man's intuitive abilities amazed me.

This was a complete reversal of roles. Eddie had come to see me to help him clear what his past life programs that he figured were holding him back in this this lifetime. We had already asked for a complete SRT clearing of all the programs. His High Self assured everything was clear. It was a mystery why these life blocks continued.

The answer lay in his conscious mind -- in the 'beliefs' of the world he bought into. Eddie found it difficult to accept that his own innate gifts. He continued to believe that the power of clearing his path lay outside of him.

Ever since he was six, Eddie had the hardest time studying. Remembering information to keep up in class was very difficult for him. In spite of that he had earned himself an engineering degree. That was not easy, but it did get him a remunerative job that allowed him to travel. He was well versed in many energy healing methods and traveled often to training events and yoga retreats.

Through all of these, Eddie felt that he is not on the right track. There was something else he was cut out to do. And he was ever in search of this elusive 'something else'. Everything new he tried left him wanting. At the time of our meeting Eddie was registered in another course and was feeling the old resistance come up in a big way. He believed he needed a degree or a certification to eventually pursue the path of alternate healing, he now believed was his real path.

A series of questions to his High Self revealed that indeed 'alternate healing' was Eddie's life path. He had already come gifted with that ability. Here was a man who was highly spiritually connected, very intuitive and had a heart that was loving, open and compassionate towards others.

At the same time, he was also the man trying to live by the rules of society all his life. Over the years, he punished, berated and belittled himself on account of his inability to follow the beaten track. No matter how much he tried, it brought him back to the same spot --- 'this is not what I seek'. The struggle and the search continued as did the self castigation.

Eddie's path is a simple one, but not easy in this world. Let go of the need to struggle. No need to paddle upstream as Abraham' says. Lift the oars and let life and love itself guide you. Let your inner voice speak. The soul's plan cannot be repressed, or suppressed for long. The less you resist the sooner you will get there. The more your mind wants to take charge and force it in a particular direction, the longer the delay.

For folks like Eddie, who have come with a strong spiritual agenda, the ways of the world only thwarts them. It is learning the art of allowing that will eventually liberate them. Their way is not the way of the ego, but the way of Spirit.

Malabika Shaw
Your Spiritual Intelligence Coach
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Focus on the Body: An Online Healing program

Here are the details with timings for my latest offering in Energy Healing:

Focusing on the Body: An Online Intensive Healing Program 

(in time to be ready for Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season)
Our physical bodies are anchors of our spiritual selves. The body is the soul's messenger and a master communicator. It has superior intelligence and works best when in perfect alignment with our energy bodies and in harmony with our spiritual nature. 
With the earth's shifting vibrations, many people find themselves dealing with inexplicable body issues. The most common refrain I hear is 'the doctors find nothing wrong'. Some common symptoms are 'feeling utterly drained', 'unexplained recurring aches and pains', 'heaviness in the lower abdomen, hips and legs', 'loss of appetite', 'sleeplessness' and so on. How is your body feeling?
No doubt there are foods, diets, exercises, detox, supplements and even medications to support the body. But remember that the body is the last place where disharmony in our energy system manifest. The body needs support to attune to the new energies. This program is designed to address deeper and over arching issues that include
Body Mind relationship
Body memories and impingement from the past
Subconscious programs
World energies
Body consciousness

With energy healing tools release all that keeps your body out of sync. And then continue the practice on your own.
This Healing Program will be conducted through 7 online intensive sessions and background energy work.
How to Join: By phone or via your computer from wherever you are. The fee includes a generous gift of a personalized energy clearing with Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT). This will be done prior to the classes. (You may choose to remain anonymous during the calls if you wish.)
Starts on: You will be sent a registration form upon joining. The energy clearing with Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) begins as soon as you register. Don't wait, start feeling the difference. 
Seven online healing sessions will be held on November 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Each session will be between 45 and 60 minutes. If you miss one, you will still be included in the healing process and have a recording.
Timings: 9.30 PM US EST, 8.30 PM CST, 7.30 PM MST, 6.30 PM PST. 
For India it will be the following day 8 AM. Others please check your timing 
Course fee: $175 ( $150 if paid by Nov 1)
Call Malabika at 617.795.7060 or email for more information and your registration form.
To take advantage of the early bird price Register here.
Look forward to our energy work together.  
Life is Good, it can only get better.

Your guide to conscious living.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Reiki: The Entryway to Fourth Dimensional Living

Have you noticed how the old tried and tested methods of resolving problems are not that effective in the long run? That problem may be physical -- pain, discomfort or disease, or menta and emotional. It's as if the universe is pushing us to find new solutions to problems old and new. And it is. Mankind is progressing from three diemnsional to fourth dimension reality. And understanding our energy system is the first step to that.

of all the ways weknow to connect with energy, my personal favorite is the way of Reiki. It is gentle, loving and most easy to connect to. Once you learn to tune into Reiki, a whole another world starts to open up for you, and those irresolvable problems slowly start to dissolve.

Find a teacher close to you. Or see the classes scheduled on my website.

Malabika: Your Guide to the world of energy.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Things About Water You May Not Know

We all know that without water we cannot sustain life, but few are aware of the depth to which water affects our being. Consider these:-

--The quantity of water on the planet has is constant like energy. It changes form, no one is making more or can take any away. Water is energy in liquid form.

--Water has consciousness and an intelligence of its own. And now we are discovering that it  has memory too. In the past decade Masaru Emoto has demonstrated multiple times how quickly and efficiently water picks up the vibrations it is exposed to. This little video clip re-affirms that. As soon as you come into contact with water it picks up your unique imprint. How cool is that?

--Water and humans have always had a wonderful and intimate relationship. This beautiful element not only replenishes, cleanses and quenches our thirst, it also exchanges vibrational imprints if you will. So when we are happy, the water around us is happy. The reverse is also true. And every molecule of water will pass on to the next its emotional memory.

Then, consider this, just like the planet, we too are predominantly water. Whatever goes on with the water on earth, in some way reflects in our body -- calm, quiet, turbulent, angry, raging -- we feel it, however subtly. But most of all it reflects in our emotions.

Water is the element of our second chakra, the 'swadhistana', that which anchors our emotional body. Water and we are connected in deep emotional ways.

So what does it all mean? What is the significance of this new awareness? It's enormous!!

As evident from the events of the last few months, the water on this planet is in the process of rearranging itself. Floods in desert plains, droughts where water was plentiful, storms and hurricanes more than normal have surprised us. Its sheer unpredictability has left us all wondering. What can we do?

I can suggest a few ideas.
  • Treat water as a conscious being, a friend. Thank the water for what it does for you as you drink, wash and bathe. Never take it for granted.
  • Pray, love and meditate over jars or jugs of water. Charge it with pure and high vibrations. Then ask it to heal and purify larger bodies of water, including our bodies. Pour it with gratitude into the nearest river, stream, pond, lake or well. Let the good vibrations spread through the water.
  • Whenever you hear any upsetting news about storms, floods or hurricanes, get together in groups (or alone) tune in to the water energy and send it calm loving thoughts. Ask to neutralize the agitation.
Thoughts have power and water pickes it up. It has emotions. We can now start to awaken to these gifts and befriend them.

Loving and thoughtful presence, always.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, October 4, 2010

Yoga Nidra: Deep Relaxation Technique

The very first and basic steps of Yoganidra are designed for deep relaxation of the body so that the psyche can work at deeper levels of consciousness. This is necessary for the healing of the body and mind and coming into alignment with spirit.

Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation. 14 minutes.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness