Showing posts with label trauma and pain.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trauma and pain.. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Learning to Work with Our High Self

Spiritual Response Therapy trains us to work with our High Self. This part of us is infinitely wise and infinitely loving. The High Self, once we learn to tune into it, guides us patiently and effectively on our soul's journey and brings ease and joy to our lives. 

Now that is a very attractive proposition, isn't it? Who doesn't want ease and joy? So we embark on our spiritual journey to meet and work with our High Selves. It is only then we begin to realize the degree of our attachment to our ego minds.

Recently I had two such interesting calls....

There was Bob who had the toxic energy between himself and his deceased father cleared with SRT. They had a very contentious relationship while he lived.  The toxic energy was dissolved. The energy shifted significantly.  Then Bob's High Self directed Bob to do some conscious forgiveness work for his Dad as well as for a living sister.  At this Bob was upset. He didn't like being told what to do. 'I don't like my High Self going behind my back and doing things without my say so', is what he told me. I asked him to ponder on who was the 'I' who was talking. 

In a similar case, Jenny wanted SRT clearing to release the energy of trauma from past abuse. The energy had been cleared and released through SRT by several healers. Jenny however kept reliving her trauma and thereby recreating the energy. Her High Self too indicated that forgiveness work at a conscious mind level would greatly benefit her moving on. Jenny was incensed when she heard that. She was not even ready to consider forgiveness.

So there we are folks. Our ego selves love to be in control, to call the shots even if it means misery. The High Self always unfailingly shows the right path. Bob slammed the phone down on me when I pointed out that the 'I' was his ego self. Jenny went off looking for someone else to 'fix' her problem. 

Working with the High Self is not for the lily-livered. First of all it needs acceptance that there indeed is higher guidance coming through, it needs commitment to spiritual work and most of all it needs courage to quieten the familiar voice of the ego and let the High Self speak.

And when we are able to do that, the wonders of life come rushing in bringing with it ease and joy. 
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Love or Control? Which Would You Choose?

Can a parent move from the overwhelming desire to direct and control when a son is clearly headed down the slippery slope? This is probably one of the greatest challenges of parenting.

I thought I would share this poignant story of Lily and her son James (not their real names).

A wonderful young man in his twenties, James has had the hardest time fitting into the system. This young man is sensitive, loving and kind and very creative -- not exactly the qualities society expects of a young man. Hence his trouble. At some stage, like others with similar difficulties, James started to flirt with drugs.

Lily moved through all the stages that any caring mother would. From the initial disbelief, to finally recognizing, and then supporting James in addressing the issue. She discussed, she persuaded, she cajoled, she explained, she reasoned, she bargained and eventually spelt out the riot act. Lily needed to do something, to fix it, to feel that in some way she could influence the boy's decisions. She needed him to be in control of his life so she could be on top of hers.

Despite his genuine resolve to set matters right, James was by now so deep into the mess that he required professional help. Lily offered to get him that too. But James would have none of it.

Lily had run out of options, alternatives, strategies for action. Nothing seemed to help. What now? 

At this critical juncture, Lily took a brave decision that few parents know how. She was not going to resign in anger and bitterness. She was not going to project her own insecurities and fears on James anymore. She would stop dwelling on the worst case scenarios.

Instead, Lily was going surrender to the process, and surrender with love. She recalled in her mind what a wonderful child James had been, the joys they had shared. She reminded herself that James had his own spiritual journey to follow that was not up to her to control. Her job was to love him and trust in his ability to find its way out of the maze. Her job was to be there when he needed her counsel and to respect his being.

This was a 180 degree turn around in mind set and attitude for Lily, not something that happens automatically, but with deep conviction and dedication. Lily was not about to take short cuts. Her son's future was at stake.

She used all the tools in her spiritual and energy healing toolbox to stay on track. Most of all she maintained her boundaries and made sure James had enough space to make his choices without her interference.

"Change the way you look at the world, and the world around you changes."  These are Dr. Wayne Dyer's wise words. It took about two weeks for the real change to take place in this case. Mother and son had barely been in touch during this period, both acutely aware of the need to respect the other’s boundary.

On that bitterly cold and rainy night Lily found herself becoming anxious about James's whereabouts. Not allowing her anxiety to overcome her, she sent him a short loving text message. It was as if she had just opened the door James had been waiting for. He reached out to her for help like never before. He was sick of being sick and tired. He was done with this kind of life. He wanted to change. In the space Lily had created for him, James had finally come to realize the depth of his despair, and also the fact that no one could help him unless he wanted to be helped. He was ready now.

A very relieved Lily was glad to provide the support she had for so long wished to give James. And now that there were no controlling shackles to push against, a very determined young man realized his rare good fortune that his mother was lovingly standing by to support him. 

He is well on his way to recovery. Doing could not accomplish it, loving did.

 Mentorship Program in Spiritual Intelligence at

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, September 20, 2010

Reviving Body Memory

Last weekend Master Chunyi Lin, acclaimed Qi-kung healer and teacher, conducted a 'Born a Healer' workshop in Iowa. Of the myriads of precious nuggets of information he shared, a few stand out. One such was the idea of reviving the body's memory. It was a special 'aha' moment for me.

This is how it goes. Let's say you have a bad knee. Conventional wisdom says to focus on that knee, whether you are treating it with western medicine, surgery or with massage, Reiki, or essential oils. Master Lin said something surprising. He said tap on the bad knee, acknowledge the problem and tell your knee that help is on its way. Then remove your attention and focus on the good knee. Gently and lovingly masssage it. Heighten the good feeling even more all the while apprecating it. Do this for a couple of minutes. Then go back and tap the bad knee and tell it that it can go ahead and 'completely' feel like the other knee. And then sit back and watch the magic.

No joke folks. It works. I experienced just that. According to Master Lin there is an innate intelligence in each organ and the ability to go back to normalcy. Often the memory of normalcy recedes because of the pain and trauma. We are just supporting it in remembering and restoring the blue print. You may have to do it a few times.

What happens if you have a chest pain, or a headache? You can then focus on another healthy organ nearby, like on the stomach for a chest pain, or on the face for a headache.

Makes perfect sense, does it not? And as Master Lin says, 'Believe it and it works. Don't beleive it, it still works, but it works better when you do believe'. Give it a go folks, what have you to lose?
Creating the ability to see Wholeness