Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Self Acceptance

We are our own worst critics. We all have parts within that we find hard to accept and even harder to change. These parts seem to have a mind of their own. We end up spending a great deal of vital Life Force energy in harboring these negative self images and robbing ourselves of fun.

Here is a simple first step to acceptance. Acceptance alone will open the door for change.

Self Acceptance meditation


Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, May 30, 2008

Energy Healing: On the Cutting Edge

(This article is in the current issue of Healthy Aging magazine).

When we think of holistic alternatives in Health Care, typically our minds go to such things as vitamins and supplements, exercises and diets. The more adventurous will also look at herbal remedies and be willing to try out acupuncture, yoga or qigung.

There is a whole new movement going on out there that has exceedingly powerful effects on our health. This is the field of Energy Medicine, although that is perhaps not the correct term as there is no ‘medicinal substance’ involved. A more apt description may be Energy Psychology or Energy Healing.

These modalities are based on the scientific fact that we are all basically energy. This body that we see in the mirror everyday is built up of minute units of energy at the atomic and subatomic levels. Everything that is matter is actually energy at the core. So when we bring about shifts in the energy, we can affect change at the physical level. And what is more, it is far easier to change the energy than to change the physical form.

Energy Healing modalities have another very interesting and critical underpinning. This is the fact that not only are our bodies made up of energy, but so are our thoughts and emotions. So every thought we think and every emotion we feel carry energy. The good ones help our bodies become more healthy, the negative ones make us unhealthy.

Farfetched as it may sound, energy healing practitioners are finding more and more evidence of these facts. People who are trying these methods are able to see quick shifts in short term problems and alleviation of long term and chronic issues.

The National Institute of Health now has a special branch in its Complimentary and Alternative section that has started to investigate the effectiveness of Energy Medicine. The few studies that are available are showing positive indications of the effectiveness of Energy Medicine.

What are these Energy Healing modalities? The two that are most widely known and are also being used in several hospitals and health care centers are – Healing Touch and Reiki. In these, the practitioner and the receiver both get into a meditative mind space and direct healing energy to the troubled spots. Sometime this is done by gently laying the hands, and sometimes just mentally. Person receiving healing universally report a feeling of great relaxation and well being. This is precisely what the body needs to allow the healing to take place, whether it is to let a medicine work or whether recovering from surgery.

Other Energy Modalities include a system called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) that is based on Thought Field Therapy combined with the Chinese Meridian concept. It helps to release old trapped emotions that play over and over in head and create negative energies resulting in physical illness.

There are two major advantages of Energy Healing. The first is that it can do no harm. There are no negative side effects, because it must necessarily be anchored to a positive mindframe to have an effect. The second most wonderful advantage is that each of us can learn the techniques and apply them on ourselves. Just like exercise and diet, we can develop our own regime of meditation and self healing with Reiki or EFT.

Energy Healing is on the threshold of taking the concept of health care to a whole new level – a completely new paradigm. To be effective, however, it is necessary that we begin to understand the mind-body-spirit connection. This forms the base of Energy Healing.


Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Conversing with the Light

Mellen Thomas Benedict has an incredible story. He died for 90 minutes and then came back to life. In those 90 minutes he conversed with a luminous being he calls The Light. The Light is light years ahead in conscious evolution. And Mellen has downloaded some.

Read his incredible story at http://www.mellen-thomas.com

Hear his account of near death experience and advice here.

Enjoy the gift of life.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, May 12, 2008

Shifting Global Consciousness

There are happenings in the world where good is news is abound. The human thought processes is shifting and we are being drawn to activities that promote love, peace and harmony. Collectively. Globally.

One such watershed event took place on May 10, 2008 - The celebration of Pangea Day --brain child of young Egyptian/American filmmaker Jehane Noujaim. This four hour program, broadcast simultaneously from 6 international location, would have kept you riveted to your seats.

Time to rejoice folks. The global mindset is shifting. Enjoy highlights of the event at http://www.pangeaday.org/


Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Sound of AUM

Sound is our very first sensory experience. Sound can shift and move energy, bring it together and blast it out. It can be immensely soothing to the nerves when we resonate and horribly painful when we do not.

Try this simple sound to find resonance within.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Beautiful Thing About Healing Energy

The beautiful thing about healing energy is that no matter how many times you have worked with it, or taught it, or played with it, or demonstrated it, each time there is a newness that comes along. And that is beacuse the energy is intricately connected with our expanding consciousness. As we evolve and grow and become more conscious of this energy field, the energy itself feels newer, bigger and more communicative. Wow!!!

It is over eight years now that I have taught Reiki. This past weekend I taught again, and so had a chance to rediscover this truth about healing energy through the class. What a loving, wonderful and fun energy this is. And with healing potential of extraordinary power. Yet so simple to connect with and sustain.

It is a treat and a privilege to be called upon by the universe to teach about Healing Energy. I love my job.


Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Friday, April 25, 2008

Executive Coaching

Paul asked whether I did 'executive coaching'. The answer is yes, yes and yes. In my Mentorship program I coach people to be more effective exactly where they are. Every other person I have coached in the past two and a half years is an executive. The others have ranged from independent professionals, coaches, care givers to young mothers.

Executives need this support as much, if not more, than others. Why? Because as the market competition gets tougher, the stress factor climbs. Many are reaching a point where the tried old methods no longer produce the desired results. So they are open to exploring something new, something different like the Conscious Energy Technologies.

If you are in an executive position looking for news ways to deal with old stress, this may be an opportunity. Check it out.


Creating the ability to see Wholeness