Sunday, January 18, 2009

TheFuture of Medicine

It's wonderful that the message is begining to get out there. Take a look at this short film trailer. More goodies yet to come.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Sun Meditation

An arctic front they say is moving through the central plains. It is bitterly cold, snowy, stormy, windy, bleary and blustery. The kind of day that keeps you indoors longing for a friendly glimpe of the sun.

So when friend sun hides all we need to do is invoke the memory in our hearts and viola, it's bright again. Try it. Here is a short meditation.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Abundant Universe

Our physical three dimensional five sensory world has gotten us so bogged down with the idea of scarcity, of finite matter and of survival, that it boggles our mind to think that the universe can actually be a place of infinite abundance.

Why wouldn't it be? Everything is energy before it turns to matter. And there is infinite energy.

INFINITE ABUNDANCE. Just say it and see how it feels.

INFINITE ABUNDANCE. Sound of sweet music. Allow it to play over and over again in your ears and resonate in your pulse. The gravity and the significance of the thought will gradually start to seep in. Then think about how such a concept would affect every level every aspect of your being.

Enjoy. Have fun. Be seeing you here again soon.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

An Inside Job

When a change takes place within, it sure can enhance the quaity of life in ways we can hardly imagine. A client just stopped by for a cup of tea and to tell me how he is doing.

"Funny", he said, "just some months ago I was so despondent, discouraged, dragging my heels, depressed. And now I can't wait to get up in the morning and get going. There is life waiting for me out there loaded with gifts. All I have to do is reach out and pluck the fruits", he said. "The only reason I don't already have them I realize", he added, "that I didn't really want them that much, at least not with the same degree of clarity I have now. I was more comfortable being miserable. No matter how much I hated it, it was a space I knew."

And what changed it? Drugs, medication, therapy?!? Nope, none of those, at least in this case. Just plain awareness. Opening up to the knowledge about oneself through self study, meditations and energy healing practices that help change the thought process. And suddenly life is so much brighter and so much more fun.

Is it possible? You bet. Can someone teach me? Yes, of course.
Check it out at this link.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stabillity in Unstable Times

Stabilty in Unstable Times is a meditation to remind you of the inner space where true stabilty comes from. This is a short visualization meditaion that is designed to help you convert unhealthy connections to healthy ones. (13. min.)

Creating the ability to see Wholeness