Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stepping out of the Web

When we feel we are stuck in a situation and have no power to change it, remember that there is a reason why we feel that way. Even though one part of our psyche is ready to move on, change things and do something different, another part is still not quite ready. This part feels insecure with change and uncertainty, diffident and fearful. That is why we choose to stay. A known evil, as they say, may be better than an unknown one. Can you hear the voice of fear there?

The day the pain of staying in that situation becomes greater than the fear of moving on, we move. We will muster enough will power, confidence, get-up-and-go, what have you to make that change. It all comes to the surface.

When we wish to step out of a web proactively, some steps become necessary. The first is the acknowledgement that the situation is my own creation, and there is an underlying pay off that keeps me here. Once I am able to acknowledge that, I can also come to a place of gratitude. Our last month's meditation (see below) was about acknowledgement.

The next step is to determine and commit oneself to making the change. We don't have to know how or when. We just have to be clear in our minds and deep in our hearts the time has come to change. It is the strength of this desire that will release the power to make the change happen.

The second part of the meditation takes you through these steps. Click here to download.

Stepping out of the Web: Meditation Part 2 (12 min)


Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, June 7, 2010

Caught in the Web

As we experience the external reality shift at the rapid rate it is changing now, we will naturally feel frustrated if we are unable to garner the power to stay in step with the changes.

Many people feel as if they are caught in the web -- caught in an opressive job, a bad relationship, a declining health situation, so on and so forth. The perception inevitably is that the power to change all this lies some place outside of me. While this may be true, the only way to make the change is to slowly take that power back -- not necessarily through fight or force, but through

This meditation is designed to take the first steps in order to release oneself from that web.

You may download the Windows media version or the MP3 by clicking here.

Stepping out of the Web.

Enjoy. 12 min.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Seven Minute De-Stressor

For too long we have depended on our minds and have allowed ourselves to veer far away from the heart center. The financial meltdown is just one of the ways in which the energies now seek to come back in balance.
It is causing great stress and distress because the old formulas are no longer working. And we have yet to learn the new.

The stabilizing force is within. When we allow the heart energy to flow again, it has a way of restoring the confidence and security. Be patient.

The seven Minute De Stressor
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, February 16, 2009

Reiki: More Than Just a Healing Technique

Most people view Reiki as just a healing technique that we have inherited from Japan and we use our minds to help heal the body.

While this is true it is also a very limited view of Reiki. The word Reiki means 'universal life force energy'. It is the energy of consciousness and creation. Reiki is the gateway that puts us in touch with our spiritual nature. Simple techniques teach us ways to keep that connection easily and comfortably. And as we relate to this energy consciously, many more doorways open up for us to embrace our own true nature. Reiki is the gateway to a struggle-free life.

Learning to relate to the nature of our higher consciousness is becoming imperative in the face of the rapid changes around us that we can no longer control. So if you have not yet been initiated to Reiki, find the nearest teacher who can do that for you. The sooner the better. Your life change in amazing ways and you will not regret it.

And if you would choose to learn it or come for a refresher with me, here are the opportunities. Click here for details.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Abundance Mentality

As times get hard economically, everyone's fears of scarcity are bubbling up to the top. The way to change that is to start to change the vibrations and think abundance.
Easier said than done though.

So here are a set of affirmations that will set you on the track and initiate the process.

Click here to check out the Abundance Affirmations.

There are many people already doing this to create a collective force. Add yours to the group. For energy clearing for yourself on abundance, email me.

Your Energy Healing Guide,

Creating the ability to see Wholeness