Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Abundance Prayer from World Puja

I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance.
The abundance of God is my infinite source.
The river of life flows through me into lavish expression.
God comes to me through unexpected avenues
and works in a myriad of ways to bless me.
I now open my heart and my mind to receive my good.

Nothing is too good to have happen.
Nothing is too wonderful to have happen.
With God as my source, nothing amazes me.

I give freely to life and life gives back to me with
fabulous increase.
I am indeed grateful.

And so it is.

(Thank you Maureen Moss and World Puja)

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Seven Primary Fears

As I look around I see more and more people stressed, fearful and overwhelmed. The world appears to be spinning faster, and as it does our fears are churning up and rising to the top, to be released no doubt.

Some years ago my dear friend and mentor, Dorothy Cunningham, gave me a lesson on the seven primary fears. Let me share those with you briefly.

The fear of abandonment

This is a primal fear that each one of us holds by virtue of our birth as human beings. It is a reminder of our separation from the source and from the womb. This is not an individual or exclusive fear.  It plays out in our lives over and over again as fear of rejection.

Fear of lack

Resources are necessary for survival. Fear of lack arises out of a mindset that believes that resources are finite. It is based on our memory of physical evolution in which survival depended on control over physical resources. It stems from the ignorance of the fact that the universe is an infinite and all abundant source. This fear plays out in our mentality to hoard and to cling on to things or relationships that have served their purpose in our lives.

Fear of humiliation

This fear is rooted in our lack of self worth - the inability to see value in ourselves. It is the fear of criticism or making a fool of ourselves, because our sense of worth is so dependent on approval and recognition by others. It plays out strongly in our constant need to conform and be socially accepted.

Fear of pain and illness

Pain and illnesses are signals that call to us to change the way we conduct our lives. Till such time we are able to accept this view, we will continue to see pain and illness as random external events on which we have little control.

Fear of aging

Fear of aging is rooted in our judgment that youth is somehow more desirable and superior to age. It is our inability to perceive the richness of age.

Fear of failure

There is no such thing as the fear of failure. It is our fear of success. Successful people have historically been persecuted, ostracized, envied, robbed or murdered. Our collective psyche recognizes success as an unsafe experience. So we camouflage it as fear of failure. And by dwelling on failure we sabotage our chances of success, and actually fail.

Fear of death

Fear of death is really the fear of change. We resist change because there is greater comfort in the known past than to venture into the unknown future. The journey to spirit is a journey into the unknown. Resisting change kills our spirit. The more we fear death, the closer we draw it to us by denying life.

These are our mind's conditioning and interpretation. Once we allow the mind to get a new perspective, our fears slowly melt away and peace returns.
(Note: Over the last few years over 300 individuals have participated Malabika's Mentorship Program to work through their fears and feel empowered. )

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sacred Heart Space Meditation.

This is one of my long time favorites from Drunvalo Melchizedek. It is short. It is sweet. And it is extremely powerful once you allow yourself to really get into that sacred heart space. Enjoy.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Self Acceptance: Meditation for Busy People

(Click here to download meditation)

We are our own worst critics. We all have parts within that we find hard to accept and even harder to change. These parts seem to have a mind of their own. We end up spending a great deal of vital Life Force energy in harboring these negative self images and robbing ourselves of fun.

Here is a simple first step to acceptance. Acceptance alone will open the door for change.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spiritual Intelligence in Search of Global Unity

Spiritual intelligence is the heart’s way of inviting us to live through greater love. It is higher consciousness constantly carving out our path of evolution. Yet, the heart’s language makes sense only to the aware and to those familiar with their own true spirit.
The human heart is truly amazing. A thing of beauty to poets, artists and lovers, the heart has remained a mere pumping device to scientists until recently. Now research is revealing the extraordinary role the heart plays in human existence, closely corresponding to the view ancient spiritual teachers held. Some significant findings:
The heart has a consciousness of its own, separate from the brain.* It is the seat of the soul – spirit’s gateway into us.
The heart interprets shifts in the energetic environment and signals the brain, which informs the rest of the body.** The heart is in charge.
The heart can operate beyond time and space coordinates. Laboratory research*** shows the heart reacting to an event before it has occurred. We call it premonition.
The first cluster of cells in the human embryo begins pulsating as the heart. Embedded within this heartbeat is all the information and impetus necessary for the development of the human body in the womb, and growth of the human spirit throughout one’s lifetime. The heart remains the master conductor. When the brain and the rest of the organs are in coherence with the heart’s vibrations, we are in perfect harmony.
Spiritual intelligence initially taught us to survive — physically and psychologically. We saw ourselves as separate and we became strong with resistance training – pushing against one another. Now it is time for heart-speak. Spiritual intelligence is coming through to teach the human spirit to thrive. Only in the 21st century is the collective human mind evolved enough to aspire across national borders towards global unity.
Our way of seeing the world and the rules of living must change quite radically. The heart accepts everything as-is without judgment and sees no separation. Separation in the mind is a mere reflection of our own distance from our higher self. All threats we perceive outside are our own sense of inadequacy.
Global unity is best served by complete love and acceptance of oneself and others, releasing all judgments. Simple, though not easy, this is the most critical ingredient for unity – within and without. Just as we would not judge a child for not knowing trigonometry, we cannot judge the spiritually inept for fighting wars. The spiritually intelligent solution is in neutralizing their fears with the heart energy of love and creating a safe environment energetically.
Fortunately many tools are available today to accomplish this. Open heart meditations, heart coherence practice, energy tools are among them. Internal integrity is imperative. We need to do this as much for ourselves to alleviate stresses as for the rest of the world. Spiritual intelligence guides us to turn inward. Once we do all the little details of outer action fall in place.

* McCraty R, Atkinson M, Bradley RT., Electrophysiological evidence of intuition Part 1: A system-wide process?; The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. Volume 10, Number 1, 2004, pp. 133–143

** McCraty R, Atkinson M, Bradley RT., Electrophysiological evidence of intuition Part 2: A system-wide process?; The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 2004 Apr;10(2):325-36.

*** ibid.

To access a library of research conducted by the Institute of HeartMath please visit http://www.heartmath.org/research/research-library/research-library.html
To download a free e-book on “The Science of the Heart”, please visit http://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/introduction.html

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Reiki: The Entryway to Fourth Dimensional Living

Have you noticed how the old tried and tested methods of resolving problems are not that effective in the long run? That problem may be physical -- pain, discomfort or disease, or menta and emotional. It's as if the universe is pushing us to find new solutions to problems old and new. And it is. Mankind is progressing from three diemnsional to fourth dimension reality. And understanding our energy system is the first step to that.

of all the ways weknow to connect with energy, my personal favorite is the way of Reiki. It is gentle, loving and most easy to connect to. Once you learn to tune into Reiki, a whole another world starts to open up for you, and those irresolvable problems slowly start to dissolve.

Find a teacher close to you. Or see the classes scheduled on my website.

Malabika: Your Guide to the world of energy.


Creating the ability to see Wholeness