Friday, April 25, 2008

Executive Coaching

Paul asked whether I did 'executive coaching'. The answer is yes, yes and yes. In my Mentorship program I coach people to be more effective exactly where they are. Every other person I have coached in the past two and a half years is an executive. The others have ranged from independent professionals, coaches, care givers to young mothers.

Executives need this support as much, if not more, than others. Why? Because as the market competition gets tougher, the stress factor climbs. Many are reaching a point where the tried old methods no longer produce the desired results. So they are open to exploring something new, something different like the Conscious Energy Technologies.

If you are in an executive position looking for news ways to deal with old stress, this may be an opportunity. Check it out.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Medical Renaissance from Dr. Norm Shealy

A message on Medical Renaissance from Dr. Norm Shealy

The major purpose of our DVD, MEDICAL RENAISSANCE-THE SECRET CODE is to educate individuals to the fact that 85% of illnesses are the result of unhealthy habits and can be prevented or treated by safe, holistic non-drug approaches.

We now have a series of excerpts on You Tube, visible at:
Obviously we want millions to see the DVD. Please spread the link to all your contacts.
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Monday, April 21, 2008

Tong Ren

Tom Tam of Quincy, MA, has been teaching this healing technique. It is a fascinating process. It is based on the Chinese meridian system that is the basis for acupunture and acupressure. Except that Tom doesn't do either. His is a surrogate method using a rubber doll. And he taps on the meridian points using a small magnetic hammer.

Does it work? Absolutely. I recently attended a workshop where we worked on one another. You can feel the energy being released. Not uncommon. We are tapping into the field of the collective consciousness as we do when we send Reiki through distance healing, or when we do surrogate tapping in EFT, or Spiritual Restructuring. Tom has figured out a much more convenient and focused method.

Read more about Tom at

Once again, there's a fascinating world of Energy Healing growing out there.

Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Meditations for Busy People: Desire

Desire is the seed that births all creation -- the single most powerful motivator. Without desire the world is dull and stagnant. There is no movement of energy, no growth, no fun.

In some circles the idea of desire has a bad name. Desire leads to suffering. Desire is not spiritual. Desire is bad. It is not desire per se, but our strong attachment to the outcome of the desire is what muddies the water.

So let us keep that desire pure and innocent and focus on the joy of realizing our creations.

Enjoy. 21 min.


Monday, March 31, 2008

The Science and the Art of Asking

One of the most powerful conscious energy technologies I have used is Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT). It has the power to reach energetic depths and breadth that are otherwise beyond our conscious access.

I have used SRT for some years and have known its potential. But teaching an Advanced Level SRT class this past weekend has brought home once again the mind boggling power of this system. And it is expanding and unfolding continually as our consciousness expands.

It is based on the simple principle "Ask and it is Given". But the art of asking is not so simple. First we must be aware of what is possible and available.
Then we must learn to be specific in our asking.
And lastly, we must remain assured that it is coming and allow the process.
The more awareness, the better the choice. And the more specific, the sooner it comes. Ask to release or to receive, both work the same way.

Spiritual Response Therapy is the tool for developing the fine art of asking. Whom are we asking? I call it Source -- from whence all things are created. You may have your own name -- Spirit, God, Universe. Universal Consciousness, Field of all Possibilities -- it doesn't matter. This is not imagination folks, it follows universal Laws that science is beginning to unravel.

It is a fascinating world of energy out here. Come play with me some time.


More about SRT at
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!!

A time when new things
spring to life
after a cold cold winter.

A time when
all that is good resurrects
in forgiving embrace
of the Spirit

Happy Easter!!
Welcome to a time
that reminds us again
that good things never die.

Love. Love. Love
Creating the ability to see Wholeness

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Right Brain View

What are the chances that a neuroanatomist (a scienticist who studies the anatomy of the brain) would have a stroke which gives her an opportunity to study the process inside out. Such is the fascinting story of Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor.

It is and amazing view. And also reminds you that there are no accidents.


Creating the abiltity to see Wholeness