Monday, August 3, 2020

Who is benefitting from your Life Force?

Your Life Force is your energy.
Your energy flows to wherever your attention goes. Always.
You name them, you give them energy.
You give them recognition, you give them energy.
You judge them, you give them energy.
You hate them, you give them energy.
You rant and rave about their wrong doing, you give them energy.
You passionately educate others about their immorality, you give them energy.
The more intense your passion, the more energy you send.
The further you push, the harder you push, the more energy you offer.

It is no wonder that you end up feeling exhausted, confused, powerless and often hopeless and despondent.

You don’t have to. You can stop them from benefiting off your energy and your passion.
The first step is to conserve your energy. Desist from dissipating your vital energy for their benefit. Withdraw your attention from anything and everything that does not contribute to the outcome you desire. And be patient. More creative solutions will appear. From the depths of your being. Trust that.

As Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. Here is our opportunity to change the thought paradigm. First our own. Then with others.

Malabika Shaw
Creating the ability to see wholeness

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Reaching for the Inner Calm

In our Tuesday morning meditations there has been a growing 
inner anxiety and stress around schools reopening post pandemic. 
Though originally addressed to parents and teachers of young 
children, it is just as valid for anyone looking for a stable center 
in these times of uncertainty. Creating the ability to see Wholeness - Be Live Love

Friday, July 24, 2020

Turbo charging with SRT

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) has the ability to turbocharge transformational work.
Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) has the ability to turbocharge transformational work. No matter what is your preferred method, SRT adds to the effectiveness. Here is a short exchange with a recent SRT graduate.
SRT Graduate: "Do any of you do shadow work?  Like the Jungian inner work using journaling, synchronicities, dreamwork to expose and integrate internal shadow?  The reason I’m asking is that I’ve been combining SRT with shadow work and have been able to move through things much more easily and quickly.  Going deeper and getting through much bigger experiences almost instantly."
Me: G I am smiling: "All transformational work has to travel through shadow whatever system you work with. And of course SRT will turbo charge it. Don’t you simply love SRT. So versatile."
SRT Graduate: "Absolutely.  I’ve worked through much more in the last couple weeks than the whole last year and a half.  And without all the drama, suffering, fear and pain.  It’s like a playground instead of a war zone."

Creating the ability to Be Live Love

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Freeing Relationships

Our relationships are our mirrors.
Our relationships are our mirrors. We draw closer the ones we love and shy away from the ones we don’t. Yet these are the ones that offer us the greatest potential for growth. 
This meditation leads you through a process of raising a relationship that may feel oppressive or downright bitter, to a neutral space of mutual respect with a possibility for a greater connection.  
Creating the ability to Be Live Love.

Monday, July 20, 2020

A Short Chat About Spiritual Principles

It is a privilege to address the SRT community from around the world at the invitation of the SRA President. Well spent minutes.

Creating the ability to Be, Live, Love

Friday, July 17, 2020

Quo Vadis? Which way?

Quo Vadis? Which way?
How do I discern what is the way forward? What is true? What is safe? Critical questions, individually and collectively, in these chaotic times. Deep-seated insecurities are bubbling up and casting shadows on matters we have trusted for ages.
Accustomed as we were to follow persons of knowledge, expertise, and authority, we willingly gave them our power, our franchise. We trusted them to give us information and guide our thinking. It was convenient but not anymore.   A deluge of disparate information is flooding the media. Waves of rugged passion pushing in different directions. Polarities are strong, consensus rare. Not a visible course ahead that gives us solace, or sense of stability. Where is our truth?
In navigating these waters, inner guidance says that knowledge and experience of the past alone are no longer enough to show us the way. Now we must expand to make room for the heart energy. But how do we bring the heart in to formulate balanced and practical action plans and know we can be safe? 
There is a simple way to know when the heart speaks. It is how the body feels. The body responds to the heart before the mind grasps the concept. When we pay attention to our body we begin to discern our truth. Thoughts that bring us a sense of relief, a feeling of goodness, a lightness of being, lead us in the direction of our truth. It May not be the collective truth or even the majority belief, but it is uniquely ours. 
Yet through years of disuse, misuse, or abuse, many of us have lost our ability to listen to our body until it screams with pain. This is an important opportunity to relearn the body’s sacred language. The path lies in withdrawing from the outer turmoil, paying attention, and going deep within in meditation. It allows the heart to reconnect with the body to guide the mind. Clarity emerges. The guidance comes. And once we have it, our faith returns. Our fears dissolve. Once again we arrive at the serene center of our being, the truth of who we are. The outer storm need no longer toss us around. From here we get to take one step forward at a time, mindfully, lovingly with courage, conviction, and confidence. 
The journey begins.
Creating the ability to Be, Live, Love.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Spirit Had Something to Say?

Spirit Had Something to Say?
Have been testing these waters a bit in the last few weeks, since I retired my blogging keyboard almost five years ago. And now I have decided to be back in earnest after all.  
Why you may ask?  Why this sudden desire to go back to something you had let go? Well, after a friend encouraged me to restart the blog, I had to ask Spirit, have a quiet conversation. This is how it went.
Spirit: Well, get on with it then. Didn’t you say you would? 
Me: Yes, I did. But have you seen how much stuff is already out there? How it has mushroomed since my early blogging days. Everyone has so much to share. Everyone is everywhere.
Spirit: Yes, I know. I created it. I like abundance. The proliferation. The propagation. The cross-pollination. That’s how new things come into being.
Me: I see that. But who would be interested in my little voice and message? Is it worth it? 
Spirit: And how exactly are you measuring the worth? Whose yardstick is that? Is your life worth living? Did you discover something of worth in your life? Is it valuable? Could someone benefit from that wisdom? Can you simply share your story? Your insights? Is that too much effort?
Me: Ah well, yes, I suppose I can. But how will anyone even find my message after sifting through the barrage of information already out there? There’s a ton. 
Spirit: Aha, I see what your problem is. You have sprung back into that old competitive paradigm. Your ego simply loves it. That is a world where the loudest, the noisiest, the annoying, the dazzling, the biggest, the boldest, all vie with each other to capture the most attention. Ha! Do you seriously want to go back there? And compete? You do know that is passé, right?
Me: Is it? Is it really, Spirit? The evidence out there is it still carries a great deal of sway.
Spirit: Let me tell you. That world ‘out there’ is on its way out. Don’t be making yourself small – you diminish me when you do that. Every bit of wisdom has a place. Every voice resonates with someone. Every offering brings something to someone waiting for it. Nothing is ever lost. It is the power of your love, your trust, your conviction that speaks most loudly. The energy is unmistakable. You build your field. They will come to play.
Spirit continues: And moreover your friends in places far and near, in this and other dimensions are standing by to get it going. Everyone loves an adventure. There is no race here. We will take our time and pleasure in all we do for the glory of life itself. Now get going.
Hmmm. Ah well, thanks for the reminder. What can I say? Yup. I am still here. I am still here to be of service. And as long as there is another idea, another question, another notion, another insight I find of value, I will give it voice. You will find it here. 
Your companion and guide to you Be, Live & Love
Creating the ability to see Wholeness - Be Live Love